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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Sunshine....

It’s been a glorious week-end here in New England.....

...Spring has finally made an appearance and putting a “spring” in my steps.... 

...I hope you’re all feeling the warmth of Spring wherever YOU are. 

Happy Sunday! 


  1. It's pouring down rain here at the moment but the weather has been warm. Warm weather makes me happy too! Have a great weekend!

  2. Spring is such a hopeful time with everyday full of new life! I'm glad it's finally "arriving" in your world. It's a lovely day here in the Az. mountains. Wonderful photos and wise words to live by! Best wishes for a week of beauty and wonder..

    Tamara <3

  3. Such great spring inspiration! We've had a beautiful week that has pushed out all the blossoms on the trees.
    Mary Alice

  4. You, my friend, are my sunshine! Love your gorgeous vignettes.

  5. You, my friend, are my sunshine! Love your gorgeous vignettes.

  6. I love your yellow roses - gorgeous. And I love the vignette you put together with them. Just lovely.
    I always look forward to your email. Your posts always make me smile.

  7. Hello Michelle. Your pictures give me sunshine and beauty. Rain and cold here outside Chicago. We need to warm up already!!!!! Have a good week end. Enjoy those spring temps.

  8. Gorgeous sunny photos Michelle...let's hope Mother Nature remembers it is Spring here in New England too!!

    1. hey sandy...i've left comments on your last 2 posts but they dont' seem to have gone through. hmmmm...i wanted to know what the name of your curtain panels were so i could look for them for you!

  9. So happy you are finally getting some gorgeous weather up there! But I know you will be getting your share of fabulous sunshine this summer...I hear your New England summers are nothing short of amazing. Ours in Florida will be filled with plenty of sunshine and HEAT..lol. Have a wonderful rest of your Spring Michelle!!!

  10. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you dearly for stopping by, I am so waiting for a new post from you, you must be very busy these days creating away.

    See you soon my dear.



  11. Congrats girl, on your beautiful feature in Where Women Create... have my issue and you are divine in it.
    Love your spaces you create in and with, just so beautiful. I have went back to your pages several times while reading other features.

    See you soon, and I am sure I will visit your feature a few more times befor I tire of this issue:)

    Beauty and inspiration to you my sweet friend.
    See you soon.


  12. I love this beautiful staging

  13. I echo Dore, Michelle! I appreciate your lovely aesthetic. I live in Concord, MA, though I picked up the magazine near my home on Lady's Island, SC. Pragmatic question: do you have the name/make of your wallpaper in your studio? It's perfect for my space.

    BTW, you would love Nesting On Main in Concord if you haven't discovered it yet.

    Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story!

    Warmly, Karen Warner

    1. Hey Karen...."merci" for stopping in and for your very kind words. To answer your question about the wallpaper...alas...it was here when we bought the house so I have no idea what the name is. So sorry. And I absolutely ADORE Nesting in Concord. I know Wendy and Beth quite well. It's a heavenly shop! My absolute FAVORITE!;)

    2. Hey Karen...."merci" for stopping in and for your very kind words. To answer your question about the wallpaper...alas...it was here when we bought the house so I have no idea what the name is. So sorry. And I absolutely ADORE Nesting in Concord. I know Wendy and Beth quite well. It's a heavenly shop! My absolute FAVORITE!;)

  14. Michelle, I have missed you in blog land, yes we see you here and there but, would love to see you on a grader scale here in your home creating and inspiring your cottage home and all its beauty you add to it.
    Thank you for your visit, it means a lot to me coming from the queen of magazine layouts :)
    Do you think you will be doing a holiday post soon, or tease us with a bit of something here?

    Again thank you beautiful for adding joy to our days in all your inspire.


  15. Hi Michelle! The Faith, Family, Friends plate decoration on Instagram-- did you make those? If so, would love to see what you used to make it possible!

    1. Hi AmBo...so sorry...just seeing this comment now so I hope you receive this reply. To answer your question....the "FFF" heart-shaped ceramic plate adornments were purchased at AC Moore Crafts. They always stock them at this time of the year. I used "Stayz On" ink to individually hand stamp each letter/word and then added the ribbon/feather to them. Email me if you need further information? Merci!

  16. افضل شركه تنظيف بالرياض شركه الصفرات تقوم الشركه باداء الخدمه على افضل وجه. حيث ان الشركه تمتلك عماله محترفه ومدربه فى كافه الخدمات التى تقدمها الشركه .تقدم شركتنا العماله المتعدده الجنسيات المدربه على احث وسائل واجهزه التنظيف العالميه المتسورده
    تهتم الشركه اهتماما كبيرا براحه العميل والاسره حيث ان الشركه تمتلك احث الاجهزه التى لا تسبب ازعاح افراد الاسره كما ان الشركه تضمن للعميل ضمان الخدمه المتفق عليها مسبقا وبالاسعار المتفق عليها تقدم الشركه لعملائها الكرام خصومات تصل الى 30 بالمئه
    طواااااااااال العام شركه الصفرات جائت بكافه الخدمات من اجل سعادتك وعدم انشغالك بخدمات التنظيف. الشركه مسؤله عن كافه متتطلبات التنظيف ولا تطلب من العميل اى شي .اهم ما يميز شركتنا هى سرعه استجابه طلب الخدمه فى كافحه انحاء الرياض الشركه
    تعمل طوال الاربعه وعشرون ساعه يوميا شركه الصفرات من اضمن الشركات بالرياض على الاطلاق من حيث العماله وادوات واجهزه التنظيف ومواد العزل وادوات كشف التسريبات تمتلك الشركه افض انواع المنظفات المستورده شركه الصفرات فى خدمتك وخدمه اسرتك فى اى
    .وقت كل ما عليك هو التواصل مع مندوبنا عبر الارقام الموضحه سيصك فريق العمل المتخصص بافضل المعدات لأداء الخدمه المطلوبه
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Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.