Thursday, April 10, 2014

Grey Dey Thursdey #25...

Happy Grey Dey Thursdey Mes Amies!
Keeping it simple this week....

..on my "work table." 

Now For The Party...
(I would appreciate it if you would kindly add this button to your sidebar)

A few simple rules so that we all enjoy this weekly gathering....

1.  You don't need to be a "follower" to participate. ALL are welcome!

2. Post anything in grey or "shades" of grey  (I would hate to have to delete your Post so kindly respect this rule. "Merci")

3. If it's not something you've created or own, then please give credit to its' original source.

4. Kindly link back
to this post or place the blog button on your sidebar with a direct link.  

Let's add a little "grey to our deys!"
"Merci" for joining in.....


  1. Gorgeous work in progress Michelle! Happy Thursdey.
    hugs and JOY,

  2. always, your work! beautiful!!
    Susanne T

  3. Thanks for hosting. I am terrible at linking, but I will try. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  4. Good gracious, what is that on your work table? Gorgeous!
    I finally have something grey to share - the funnel!!

  5. Hi MIchelle,
    Thanks for hosting and I love your beautiful madonna and child. Gorgeous. Looking forward to meeting you this week end. Woooo Hoooo cannot wait for the At Home with White Show. See you soon.

  6. I will not rest until I've seen your work table with my own eyes, LOL One day soon I hope!!
    Lovely piece - I cannot wait to see what it is. xo R

  7. Michelle,
    I wouldn't get any "work" done, dear friend. . .I'd be mesmerized!
    Sorry that I didn't make it to the Grey dey Thursdey this week. . .
    just unloading and unpacking and storing from Spring Booth took longer than I realized.
    Hopefully, I'll be "on task" next time around!!!

  8. Preciosos tus trabajos, me encanta ese estilo.
    Saludos desde Chile


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.