Monday, April 7, 2014

DIY Dining Room Chair Back Covers...

I‘ve been “sitting on a secret” for a little while now and, sorry to say, but I’m going to have to “sit on it” a little while longer so as not to jinx myself. Ha! Suffice it to say that I’m expecting a visit from a “special someone” and  La Maison PML needs some sprucing up!

I decided to add some slipcovers to the chair backs in my dining room. I can’t quite bring myself to paint my dining room set, and I'm trying to get away from the dark wood pieces around here, so this was the next best thing.....


Fabric: I used canvas dropcloth
Lace for trim (optional)
Measuring tape/ruler
Wax Paper or any large sheet of paper
Sewing Machine

FYI: If you can sew a “straight stitch”, this project is simple!

Start by laying your chair on your sheet of paper and tracing all around it.....

...decide where you want your finished slipcover to “end” and measure. 
I wanted mine to meet the edge of my table...

....if you will be adding a trim to your slipcover, measure its’ width and subtract that from your 1st measurement....if you will NOT be adding a trim to your slipcover , add about 1/2” to your measurement (for your finished hem) and then cut your template....
~*~my trim~*~

...lay your template onto your fabric and cut. You’ll need 2 pieces per slipcover. 

 Since I used painter's dropcloth, my fabric has no “right” or “wrong” side so I just placed them one on top of the other to sew.  If you use a printed fabric, make sure you have the “right” sides of your fabric facing each other before you start sewing.
(for a tutorial on how to bleach and soften drop cloth, go...HERE)

I sewed about 1/4” around 3 sides of my slipcover. Since I’m adding a trim, I left the bottom edge “raw” but if you will not be adding a trim, you will need to fold this edge over and sew a hem. 

I decided that I wanted my trim to meet "halfway in" on the back of my can pin it in place if you’d like. 

Using a straight stitch, sew the trim onto the bottom edge of the slipcover where the trim meets the raw edge and about 1/4" up. 

...the finished trim on the back of the slipcover....

...the finished trim on the front of the slipcover....

....turn your slipcover “right side out” and you're done!

For the slipcovers around my dining room table, I added the words: “Bon Appetit”. 

I used “The Citrasolv Method” for transferring the words to the fabric.

(to learn how to use The Citrasolv Method for  transferring an image go...HERE

If you’d like to hand paint/stencil a design onto your fabric like this....

...go HERE



Stay tuned for my Master Bedroom Reveal (as soon as those darn walls are finished) and more DIY projects around  La Maison PML  while I prepare for my “special someone”....

Happy day Mes Amies!


  1. Sounds intriguing, Michelle! Can't wait to find out who your special visitor is. : ) Your chair back covers turned out great and it is a good idea for when you don't want to paint your furniture. Love the lace trim you added, as well as the wording to the backs.

  2. Tres chic my friend! You know I love that lace trim...yummy. I can totally relate with not painting the chairs - Bri would have my head if I ever touched ours! :)
    Can't wait to see the Master reveal...oh gosh, the days are counting down now - yikes!

  3. So beautiful Michelle! Can't wait to hear who your secret guest is!

  4. Loved this DIY segment! Thanks for all the pics! I am so happy for your 'visitor'.....I bet it will be beautiful when shared! Good for you!! Susanne Talbot

  5. Well you are teasing us, Michelle! I can't wait to hear who your special visitor is, sounds exciting! Your slipcovers turned out great, I love that gorgeous lace that you used!

  6. Nicely done. The canvas has great texture yet softness with the lace trim. Wonderful way to update your decor. Creative Bliss...

  7. how lovely...this is what i might do when the paint gets a little too shabbily worn off of the backs of my chairs...years from now, but still, the idea is locked into my creative memory bank. thanks for the inspiration. your home is lovely, nice job.

    hope all is well with you
    ciao bella

  8. Looks so pretty!
    Can't wait to hear your news!!

  9. Michelle,
    It looks so pretty. I just love them. It really brightens up the room and chairs. Great job.

  10. Ooh La La, your images remind me of Paris. You've captured the French style so well. You have been such a busy French all of your updates....hope you are having fun today!! wink wink

  11. Your chair cozies are simply darling, Michelle. Lovely transformation.
    enJOY a sweet today,

  12. These are beautiful, I love the added lace trim and the stencil. Now if I could only sew. I must say that over and over again, LOL!!!


  13. Oh Michelle, this is so very clever!!! We all love the look of that old vintage craftmanship, but those craftsman just didn't do shabby chic, did they? With your idea we can now "have our cake and eat it to". LOVE IT and well done! Can't wait to see your bedroom reveal.


  14. The covers are so pretty Michelle. I'm looking forward to seeing more.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.