Thursday, January 1, 2015

My One Little Word for 2015....My Newest Line of Inspiration Holders...and a GIVEAWAY...

****This Giveaway has ended. Merci****

I love ringing in a “New Year”....not because I enjoy champagne toasts and parties  (well, I like those too) but because it gives each of us the chance to “begin anew.” A new year offers up a clean slate....365 days of possibility...goal-realizing...dream-chasing and becoming more of the person you want to “be.” 

A new year also makes me think of my “one little word.” That ONE word that you choose to “live by” for the next year....that one.little.word that will guide you along the way to possibilities...goals...dreams.

My “one little word” for 2015 is...

There is a “calm” that comes with simplifying every aspect of ones life. I want to try to remember that this year. I also want to remember to look for the beauty that can be found in the “simple” things. 

How bout’ you? What’s YOUR “one little word” for the New Year?

In honor of the “New Year” and all the possibilities that await each of us...I am offering up one of my newest Inspiration Holders....

“My One Little Word” collection...

For a chance to win...just leave 1 comment here telling me what your 
"one little word" is.
You must be a CURRENT  follower.
Winners name will be drawn on January 10th!
Bonne Annee and Bonne Chance!

May this be the year that you realize all of your dreams! 


  1. Dream is my word and I'm dreaming of winning this holder, its so lovely:) Happy New Year!

  2. I think mine would be hope...even though it seems like there is no hope, there might just be soon!


  3. Simplify is such a wonderful word!! I think mine is going to be create. I have a lot of creating to do this year!!

  4. Lovely giveaway. I shared yesterday my word on my blog. "Just Be" it came to me over and over. Just be blessed, just be me, just be happy, healthy and loved. I am at an age where I truly recognize my blessings. I look forward to following into the new year. Happy New Year!

  5. These are so cute and so creative! My word for 2015 is going to be the same as 2014 year.....FOCUS. It worked for me last year, but needs a bit more tweaking. Happy New Year to you.

  6. I love them Michelle! Very creative! The wire wording just draws me in.

  7. Michelle,
    Simplify. . .amazing and somewhat challenging word for 2015, dear friend!!!
    My word for 2015. . .renewal.
    To make new again!
    Looking forward to what's in store @ Petite Michelle Louise in 2015!!!
    Happy new Year!!!

  8. Oh Michelle,
    they are so lovely! My word would be ' blessed' because that is what I truly am, I just need to remind myself of that sometimes.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  9. Happy New Year, Michelle. Your wire words are wonderful and I thank you for the chance to win one. My one little word for this year is "calm". I've had a stressful year along with some health issues and have found that I need to slow down and chill out. So, I am going to work on being calm in all things. Sounds good ~ I hope I can manage it.

  10. Happy new Year Michelle,
    Thank you for this wonderful Post.
    I hope my Year is going better. Last Year I lost my father.
    This was very,very sad for me.
    Now I´m looking forward to have a good 2015.
    Greetings from Germany

  11. My word last year was believe and it just may be the same one this year. Lol

  12. Hi Michelle,
    My one word is "discipline." I want to eat healthier, spend less and have more control of the things I do in life. I like your word, "simplify." I'm planning on that too.


  13. My number one little word is JOY. I am also planning to simplify this year. Your creative "One Little Word” collection is heart warming... Patricia Ann

  14. My one little word this year is also Simplify, and we have already started!! Your Holders Michelle are always so lovely!!
    Happy New Year!
    Huggs, Nancy

  15. Oh, I'd love to win one of these. My word for the year is "pluck" noun: pluck 1. spirited and determined courage. Synonyms: courage, bravery, nerve, backbone, spine, daring, spirit, intrepidity, fearlessness, mettle, grit, true grit, determination, fortitude, resolve, stout-heartedness, dauntlessness, valor, heroism, audacity; informalguts, spunk, gumption, moxie

  16. Declutter is a form of simplify, I guess. I need to clear out that which does not enrich my life. Pare down. Eliminate. Declutter. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  17. My one little word for 2015 is family...going to try to cherish all of our moments together.
    Happy New Year!


  18. As 2014 comes to a close, I reflect back & am in awe by the amount of blessings that this year has brought me. With a new year on the horizon, i have chosen a "Word of the Year" for 2015 to focus my energy on & that word is: PRESENT. My personal goal is to be more present in each day. To be fully engaged in the very moment in which I am given. To watch the sun fall. To savor food more intensely. To learn an art. To stop and smell the roses. To make someone smile. To put the phone down and really listen. Often we are so busy making future plans that the present moment is gone before we have time to live it. The presence is all we have for we cannot relive the past nor for see the future. So, I guess this is also a resolution of some sort as well. I resolve to: be all there. Be present, live in the moment, + enjoy each day fully. ‪#‎bepresent‬ ‪#‎wordoftheyear‬ ‪#‎bringonthenewyear‬ 2⃣0⃣1⃣5⃣

  19. Michelle, my "one" little words would be simplify as well. I try to simplify my life everyday. It really does give more meaning to my know, without all the clutter in my head and in my home.
    Happy New Year to you and may you simplify your life as well. It is so rewarding.

  20. I'm with you on this one.... For the past two years I have wanted to simplify my home and life, but things got in the way. Now that I'm in a better position, I'm going to be working very hard at it. Love your Little Words -- thank you for offering this sweet giveaway. Happy new year, Michelle !

  21. I am choosing NOW as my one little word. I want to live in the now. Do it now. Love now.

    Happy New Year to you!

  22. I think my word will be Faith . I need to have more faith that things will work out for the better . Love the giveaway !
    Cathy Thompson

  23. my little word is "breathe". taking time to be in the moment.

  24. My word for 2015 is MOMENTS. I hope to be looking for the special little moments that make life special, not ignoring them. I will be documenting them with daily photos and Pinterest and pocket page scrapbooking. I am currently looking for a way to remind me, in the past I have had jewellery, stones or words in frames to remind me of my Word. Haven't thought of anything for this year.
    Perhaps one of your Inspiration holders would be just the right thing.
    Wishing you SIMPLICITY for the new year.

  25. Create. There are so many things that I want to make, finish, learn. I had so little studio time in 2014 due to choices and commitments that I made. This year will be different choices and learning to say "no".

  26. "Be"...Just BE! Be Healthy, Be Calm, Be Kind, Be intentional, Be peaceful, BE ME!! without outside influence....just be me!

    My two fav gals.....all in one day!!! you two are something else!! (Rhonda that is!!)

    Thank you for BEING YOU!

  27. My word would be Faith. I have a lot going on in my life and I have to have a strong Faith that God is going to answer my prayers. Thank you for the giveaway. I love your blog and read it everyday.

  28. How cute these are so cleaver!

  29. My one word for 2015 is JOY. I have it posted in red on my refrigerator door. We can have joy even in doing the small things like doing dishes. What a blessing that I can wash dishes with warm/hot water and have our puppies playing at our feet while I do this. Joy is living in the moment soaking life in and have gratitude for this wonderful life. Love your blog and inspiration. Blessings,

  30. Love your new word this year. Please put my name in the hat. I have been a follower for a very long time. Have a great New Year! Blessings, Martha

  31. All the words already shared resonate with me, however "faith" is the first word that came to mind.

  32. So happy to have found your blog, as my family is french. My word for the year is "embrace". Cancer is rearing it's ugly head for 2 dear friends at the moment, and I just learned today a classmate has lost her battle. I am reminded to embrace my loved ones more and more, and to let go of the things that do not matter; to take time to reflect on my blessings, and to embrace each day for whatever it has to offer, no matter how small. I look forward to following your blog in the new year.

  33. My word for the year is "Joy", so often we forget to stop and smile an enjoy the moment. So every time I am laughing I stop to remind myself that this moment is what joy is all about.
    Thanks for the opportunity, these are beautiful.

  34. My word this year is to embrace... embrace and be in every moment, embrace my new role as mom to older kids, embrace and let me family and friends know just how much they mean to me. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of our gorgeous creations. Wishing you a wonderful new year!

  35. Today is a great day; I just stumbled upon your blog and now I'm reading past entries. I also started following you via bloglovin (which is also brand new to me)

    My word for this year is "now". My grandmother passed recently in a tragic car accident. I realized we only have now to enjoy; to celebrate; to love; to enjoy; to be in the moment -- we only have "NOW". I want to embrace that word this year. Holders are beautiful. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  36. Ooh, how one little word for the new year is "embrace". Embrace your life, embrace your flaws, embrace your decisions. There is only one "you" and the world is happy to know you.

    You know I adore your beautiful. xoxoxoxoxoxo

  37. Happy New Year Michelle! My word for 2015 is Faith. I have a post about it on my site but this word resonates so many things to me ~ hope, letting go, peace. It's one word but holds so many others deep inside! Blessings to you in the new year. . .

  38. I love picking a new word for the year as it keeps me focused and at the end of the year I love to review life experiences and see how my 'word' is woven into each event. I had already picked 'Redeeming' as my word for 2015- I love adding 'ing' to my words as it represents the ongoing nature of the word. This year began with a bad fall injuring both knees with major surgery and long recovery period. I am so glad I already had my word picked as I definitely seem redeeming in the little things each day.

  39. Many wishes of joy for the New Year!!! My word for this year is OPEN. I want to be open to new possibilities, open to different view points, open to new friendships , open to accepting whatever path lies before me. I tend to be very set in my ways and become very anxious over change, but i am determined to really focus on being OPEN to everything this year!

  40. Dear Michelle: Happy New Year! My word for this year is Joy because I will need it to deal with all the health issues of my sons. It will be a tough year but with Joy I can face anything!


  41. Though it's not a very pretty sounding word,"Reach " is what I am going to strive for in 2015. To reach inward to find strength when my Dad passes from cancer very soon. To reach outside of my comfort zone and fly to anywhere my heart wants to take me. To reach my goal of having a venue to sell all my little creations and collections that are in the "waiting room" otherwise known as the attic!

  42. For some reason (or perhaps many reasons) time has run away from me and I'm at a standstill...even in choosing my one little word. But I do feel the word FAITH calling me so perhaps that's it 😊.

    Happy New Year and best wishes on achieving all of your dreams and wishes in the new year.


    P. S. I Had trouble posting my comment so you may see it twice.

  43. Oh Michelle, you sure know how to start out the New Year! With beauty that inspires.
    Love your holders, and have taken notice where ever they are featured.
    Words never escape us when it's one that holds dear to meaning. I have not picked a special word, or path this year, I am just going to let each day inspire something in and out of me that I can pay forward.
    My New Year has started off rough, I am down with this virus/cold and have been sick, sick, sick with a horrific cough!!

    I am looking to the year in as much as creating a life well lived, simple beauty of old, and all that it inspires from me.
    Thank you Michelle, for your faithful visits, and better yet all the beauty you inspire.

    See you soon


  44. These are lovely Michelle!
    I think my word for this year (at the moment) is "change"!

  45. Explore is my word for the year.....
    all I think I can do...
    all I know I can do .....
    and all the in between......
    Your words and work are always lovely...
    I look forward to another year of treats.....

  46. My word for 2015 is FAITH. With circumstances already in progress, The Lord has chosen this word for me and already has begun to incorporate into my daily life. It is a hard word for me in that I suffer from depression, i am a control freak and I am chronic worrier (just to name a few). I may have to make it my word for the decade since there are so many areas of my life that this will cover.

  47. My word for this year is ENJOY...I sometimes spend way to much time working on goals and getting things done. I need take more time to just enjoy life...go camping , take a Sunday drive, craft more. Not always put my chores before my fun!!! :)

    Thank you for offering this fun giveaway and I do hope you get to simplify and enjoy 2015!

  48. Michelle my word is Prayer. What would I do without it? Jo

  49. Oh my goodness, I almost missed this one! My word for this year is 'DO'. I really need to start doing instead of just thinking about doing things.
    What a nice way to start the new year, with such a lovely giveaway. Your word inspiration holders are amazing.

  50. Simplify, was my word or goal last year. I might have failed.lOL. So this year it is HOPE to succeed. love,love

  51. My word this year is healing. Illness has really hit home here. I am trusting God for healing. Please enter me in your give away. I would love to own one. Sending blessings your way, Martha
    I have been a follower for a long time. Thanks

  52. My first initial thought was Faith, but happily so many have chosen it. After much thought, it must be America. America, the land of the free and the brave. Freedom to wave our flag and freedom to worship our Lord and Savior!

  53. I often think of my need for COMPASSION, which also includes the traits of humility and simplicity, forgiveness and charity...

  54. My word for 2015 is 'grow'. Age is just a number, I want to grow in my walk with the Lord, grow in my friendships, grow in my creativity, as it's never too late. I'm so inspired by your blog, I enjoy grabbing my cup of coffee and feel like I'm spending time with a dear friend. thank you!

  55. Hello Michelle!
    So nice to meet you and find your blog again! I would love to enter your giveaway for your one word inspiration.
    My word for 2015 is "Blessings." Funny, on my blog postings I usually end with 'Blessings' or 'Enjoy.' :) I'd like to be a blessing to old and new friends.
    Many blessings to you,
    Barb Chapman :)

  56. My Word is RESTORE. I am resting in God to restore me this year - to His will.

  57. Hi Michelle,
    I wrote another comment but for some reason it did not post. My special word for this year is GRACE. I am trying to live my life in a state of grace, along with counting my blessings. Blessings to you for sharing your blog with us. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
    Kathy B.

  58. Hi Michelle,
    I wrote another comment but for some reason it did not post. My special word for this year is GRACE. I am trying to live my life in a state of grace, along with counting my blessings. Blessings to you for sharing your blog with us. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
    Kathy B.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.