Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day Grey Dey Thursdey Giveaway....

 Happy Grey Dey Thursdey Mes Amies!
And what a grey dey it is here in New England. Oh my.
A "Grey Dey Giveaway" might be the perfect remedy for those rainy day blues and a delightful way to celebrate "May Day!"

Let me introduce you to Susanne....

Susanne contacted me awhile ago via Etsy to purchase some of my vintage rhinestone crosses and I just had to take a peek in her shop to see what she did with them. Well I was so taken by her serenely beautiful creations.. 
 (Larger plaque is approx. 5 x 6 and smaller one is 3 x 4)

Susanne uses 100+ year old slate pieces (that she un-earthed herself) to create these one-of-a-kind "Prayer Plaques." 

She hand tears and tea-stains copies of gorgeous religious images.....

.....coats the front & back with polyurethane and then signs & dates them...

...simply Lovely. 

Susanne has graciously offered all of the things you see above and in the first picture to one of my followers! Isn't she sweet?

~ For 1 chance to win....visit her Etsy Shop and tell me what else she creates that you'd like....
~For a second chance to win...."heart" her shop...
~ For a third chance to win....go to her "About" page and get to know her better.

Winners name to be drawn on the next Grey Dey Thursdey....May 8th. 
Bonne Chance!

Here a few tresors that Susanne surprised me with in the mail...

...her packaging is just lovely....

I know you’ll enjoy your visit to “108 Bella Vista.” 
Please tell Susanne that Miss PML says “Bonjour!”

Now For The Party...

(I would appreciate it if you would kindly add this button to your sidebar)

A few simple rules so that we all enjoy this weekly gathering....

1.  You don't need to be a "follower" to participate. ALL are welcome!

2. Post anything in grey or "shades" of grey  (I would hate to have to delete your Post so kindly respect this rule. "Merci")

3. If it's not something you've created or own, then please give credit to its' original source.

4. Kindly link back
to this post or place the blog button on your sidebar with a direct link.  

Let's add a little "grey to our deys!"
"Merci" for joining in.....


  1. Good Morning Michelle,
    I went to Susanne's shop and she has beautiful pieces. I love the slate pieces the best. Her smaller framed chalk boards are pretty wonderful too. Thanks for a chance at this wonderful giveaway. I cannot wait to see the grey day inspiration today. Merci my friend.

  2. Wow, what a fabulous giveaway! You found a gorgeous shop for us to browse in. I like her Crown tags a lot, but the thing I like best (apart from the obvious, the slate pieces) was in her SOLD ITEMS, the little glass tube matchbox. So cute. Thank you so much for introducing me to this lovely shop and of course for the fantastic giveaway.

  3. What a generous giveaway. I love her style. Love CROWN TAG with Rhinestone Embellishment! Love any kind of crowns. Thanks for the chance at this.

  4. I favorite her shop. Thanks for the second chance. Have a wonderful day!

  5. I loved getting to know more about Susanne. She truly inspires me! Thanks again.

  6. Dear Michelle, Susanne`s art is so beautiful, the old slates makes every piece so unique !
    How lovely are your gifts also, my friend.
    I so love the small schripture plate plaques ,also - what a wonderful giveaway .
    Hugs from Dorthe

  7. Thank you for sharing this lovely shop! I love the giveaway and also liked the slate inspirational plaques. What a charming collection! ~Terri

  8. Bella Vista is also now one of my favorites!

  9. Michelle, you are truly a special person!! Thank you so much for your feature of "No108BellaVista" ......I am honored beyond.....

  10. Oh my I like the slate piece and the picture on it what a great idea.

  11. This is a beautiful beautiful giveaway. Now I am going to go visit her shop!

  12. All of her creations are lovely. I liked the Crown The Queen tea party bags. I favored her shop!

  13. Ooooh I love the Downton Abbey tea party bags too. Just saw them on your Grey Dey Thursdey. I enjoyed reading her 'about' page too...I love that etsy feature.

  14. Hi Michelle,
    Susanne is such an amazing artist and would love to be the lucky winner of her slate plaques
    if yiur giveaway is also open to international Readers please enter me.
    I've visited her etsy shop and i love susanne's rhynestone bookmars.

  15. I believe I've run across her shop before...I adore her shabby framed chalkboards. Those frames are amazing! What a very nice feature!!

  16. I created my fairy patina with just this party in mind. I even created the grey background in the first photo just for you Michelle, lol. I love your post today. SO many beautiful things to love!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  17. Michelle,
    Susanne is an amazing artist, dear friend!!!
    Thank you for sharing her elegantly expressed creations with us!
    Grey Dey Thursdey is filled with amazing inspiration each week. . .
    Thank You for hosting!

  18. Dear Ones Who Participated in May Day Giveaway from
    I am overwhelmed with your generous comments and visits to my shop! I thank you so much for your feedback and would enjoy a convo visit with you! I will be looking so forward to packaging up your "special" gift!! You have all touched me! and What a SHOUT OUT to a precious and wonderful blog/etsy friend we ALL have in Petite Michelle Louise!! SHE, hands down was one of the MOST inspirational (can count them on one hand) 'out there' who led me to start my Etsy shop, unbeknownst to her!! I love her products, artistry and HEART!! I know I did not find her by accident, and now I can add you to the list!!! Blessings Galore, Susanne Talbot (

  19. Oh my what a lovely giveaway of course I would love to win this. Di@ Cottage-Wishes

  20. I just love the shop, and yes I hearted!! Lovely just lovely. Thank you for sharing this with us. Di@ Cottage-Wishes

  21. I loved getting to know her! What a fun, sweet and talented lady. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  22. Thank you Michelle for introducing us to her! I lasso like her chalkboards and matchboxes! I liked her page and enjoyed reading about her! Would be honored to win one of her lovely creations!

  23. Wow, I hearted her shop. I really like anything with a saint on it, but the matchboxes and Jane Austen book marks are sweet, small gifts. Despite her mentioning a love of spiders, I read to the end. xoxo

  24. Oh Michelle what a beautiful post and thank you for introducing Susanne to us all with her stunning creations! I'd love to see a piece of her artwork in my home - how lucky would that be?
    Thanks for the chance !

  25. I've been and hearted her gorgeous shop! and read about her using recycled antique slate to display her beautiful prayer plaques which are so appropriate for her art. Love all the tags and frames especially those of the chalk boards. So beautiful! It is lovely that you have encouraged her with opening this beautiful Etsy shop.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.