Thursday, March 27, 2014

Grey Dey Thursdey #23....

Happy Grey Dey Thursdey Mes Amies!

Today, I’m sharing my "mood board" for my master bedroom makeover...

...I've made some "additions" to it as this project unfolds....

Now For The Party... 
(I would appreciate it if you would kindly add this button to your sidebar)

A few simple rules so that we all enjoy this weekly gathering....

1.  You don't need to be a "follower" to participate. ALL are welcome!

2. Post anything in grey or "shades" of grey  (I would hate to have to delete your Post so kindly respect this rule. "Merci")

3. If it's not something you've created or own, then please give credit to its' original source.

4. Kindly link back
to this post or place the blog button on your sidebar with a direct link.  

Let's add a little "grey to our deys!"
"Merci" for joining in.....


  1. Just adore your mood board, my friend. I'm dreaming in grey as I look at it...sigh.
    Got your note on Pinterest - hope your'e feeling better and relieved that your exhibit is behind you. I'm sure it was fantastic!
    We're good here - today's Charlie's 9th birthday!! woo hoo!
    I am REALLY itching to go to opening weekend at Todd Farm next weekend 4/6. You? Or maybe meet up during next week?

  2. Love your mood board Michelle. It has inspired me to want to make one. I'm glad I picked up the crown like yours at an antique shop recently. Wishing you a lovely day.

  3. Michelle,
    The Mood Board for your Master Bedroom puts me in a tranquil mood, dear friend!!!
    I adore the paint hue you've chosen and the fabrics are marvelous!
    The frame is magnificent!!!
    I'll be watching for progress and the reveal!
    Thank you for hosting Grey Dey Thursdey each week. . .
    I gain much inspiration from this linky party!

  4. Such a beautiful mood board! Can't wait to see the progress - and the end result!!

  5. I love your mood board...the quote, the pendant and how about that nook! I want a nook like that too! Thank you for letting me link-up. I hope my Little Angel Boy isn't too blue to be grey. Looking at it across the room it looks grey and white but when I took it outside to photograph the blues showed more. I so much wanted to show it off in your Grey Dey party. I love Grey Dey!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  6. I love your is gorgeous! I should do one of those sometime. lol

  7. Such a tease...your inspiration is beautiful...can't wait to see the reveal!!

  8. Michelle - can't wait to see......and don't delete tables are "chateau grey" - by annie sloan. They are grey!

    Fun to visit!

    Locksley Lane

  9. That mood board is gorgeous on it's own and I hope it gets to stay once the project is completed!

  10. ooooops.....tables are in country grey :)

  11. Dear Michelle,
    your moodboard, is a little story in itself, and shows your romantic way of decorating and living -I so love it,
    Hugs and a lovely friday to you.

  12. What a great board with lots of grey textures.

  13. Michelle- your mood board is lovely-- it's just perfect to hold your inspirations-- I'm so in love with gray:)


  14. That´s so beautiful and full of romance - love it!!! And thank you so much for your´s toile fabric in my cabinet.

    Have a wonderful springtime, Jade

  15. A stunning mood board - it makes me smile. I am back home and ready to catch up.

  16. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful "grey" inspiration. I love what you've come up with so far for your master bedroom makeover. I will be gorgeous!!

  17. I love your inspiration! Can't wait to see it all put together, I just know it will be amazing!

  18. Oh my gosh Michelle! I cannot wait to see what you create for your bedroom remodel. Please share with us when you get a chance. You know I just LOVE your taste in everything, so I most definitely want to see what you create. Hope you are having a lovely Spring!



Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.