Thursday, January 30, 2014

Grey Dey Thursdey # 17 and A Grey Dey Giveaway....

Happy Grey Dey Thursdey Mes Amies!
I’m celebrating today’s Grey Dey with a giveawey!
I found these vinyl shopping totes at Home Goods recently...

...I  love this pattern. 

Don't you? 

To give you an idea of the "size" of the totes, 
here I am holding one....
(keep in mind that I'm 5'2". Ha!)

I have 4 to give away.....

Here are the “rules”....
~ For one chance to win: Add a Grey Dey Link to my linky party .
**S’il vous plait.....only “grey” posts**

~For a second chance to win : just leave a comment on this post.

~*~Winners to be announced  on the next Grey Dey Thursdey, February 6th. 

Now For The Party...
(I would appreciate it if you would kindly add this button to your sidebar)

A few simple rules so that we all enjoy this weekly gathering....

1.  You don't need to be a "follower" to participate. ALL are welcome!

2. Post anything in grey or "shades" of grey  (I would hate to have to delete your Post so kindly respect this rule. "Merci")

3. If it's not something you've created or own, then please give credit to its' original source.

4. Kindly link back
to this post or place the blog button on your sidebar with a direct link.  

Let's add a little "grey to our deys!"
"Merci"  for joining in.....


  1. Beautiful Grey bags ... Grey color has long been guests in my dressing room ... recently also in my surroundings ... I cordially greet :)

  2. those are just beautiful-thanks for the chance

  3. Love the totes. Thank you for the giveaway.

  4. Happy Grey Dey:)So chic totes, and enchanting design..Love it...I could see it as a background of my decorations in grey,or if I put a pot with a boxwood in it it could be a perfect finish for it:)Thanks..:)

  5. I really need to write a post today about something grey! I'm looking outside and it is definitely a grey day out there!! Off to go looking for something in shades of grey.

  6. Hi Michelle, thank you for another beautifully Grey Dey! I hope that my little girl is grey enough to come to the party.
    hugs and JOY,

  7. What a great giveaway, hope to win... ❤

  8. I have now started to appreciate the color grey. When shopping I'll be drawn to the shades , but it is hard to change a whole room so accessories are the first step. I would love to win the tote , had I seen it in my Home Goods I probably would have at least looked at it for my needlepoint stash.

  9. Those are really pretty! Love your outfit too, btw ;) My first time linking up to this fun party! Have a great week Michelle!

  10. Beautiful! I love damask prints and the colors of these are wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity to win one. ~ Donna ~

  11. I saw that you pinned the print on Pinterest and thought it looked like my new duvet! Love it!!


  12. has literally, been soooo grey and c-o-l-d here in the northeast ~
    so naturally, i had something grey to post!
    hey ~ do you think i could stuff myself inside one of those damask bags and ship it off to a warm beach somewhere?!? LOL!!
    xo, Rosemary

    1. lol...worth a try. can you fit me in there with you?

  13. I love Homegoods! These are a perfect Grey Dey Giveaway. But I have nothing of late that is grey to post. I have too many bags anyway. I think I collect them, not purposely, like pillows!

  14. I am a faithful follower and love you giveaway!! I posted my grey link and am ready for chance 2! Happy Grey Day to you. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  15. Great find, the pattern is superb!

  16. You find the neatest things Michelle. The totes are beautiful!

  17. Great find at the store. And what a great size. It looks like you could fit a cutting board in there.

  18. Hi Michelle!
    Thank you so much for hosting Grey Dey Thursdey every week! I always look so forward to it :) I also love those bags!! The print and color combination is fabulous! Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to own one too! I have linked up to your party and cant wait to go around and visit everyone's posts.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.