Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bonne Annee.....

Bonne Annee Mes Amies!

I wish you all a new year filled with and prosperity. 
I wish you a new year that finds your dreams fulfilled...
I wish you a new year surrounded by loved ones....
I wish you a new year that brings you more joy than sorrow...
But...most of all...I wish you a new year of blessings.
And in this New “one word” will be.....


lis·ten  n)

intr.v. lis·tened, lis·ten·ing, lis·tens
1. To make an effort to hear something
2. To pay attention; heed

In 2014....I will “listen” to that still, small voice inside of me...that voice that knows my heart better than anyone or anything.
"I hear your voice in all the world's noise."

I will let it guide me in all my choices.....all my decisions.
And I will have faith that it will open my heart and mind to new adventures.

My life is richer for knowing all of you....for your love, support and friendships.
I wish so many wonderful things for you in this bright & hopeful New Year!


  1. Your word choice is perfect...such a powerful word to guide your year. Happy New Year!


  2. To listen is a good word to follow for the new year. It will bring you much peace. I am continuing my journey in the quiet beside the still waters pursuing peace in all things. ThankfulI I am not alone. Thankful to know you are there in the stillness listening too. Xxo

  3. Happy New Year, Michelle! Wishing you all the best this year.

  4. ...lovely. i wish the same for you sweet friend! Listen is a good word. I have not chosen a word of the year before but have been contemplating a few. May 2014 treat you with many blessings! t.xoxo

  5. Wonderful wishes, and an even more wonderful word - I love your sentiment behind it Michelle...
    Happy New Year to you, and to all that you love and may you find much happiness and love in teh year ahead.

  6. Hi's wishing you the best of everything for 2014! May all your dreams be fulfilled in the new year. Keep making those beautiful creations of yours, they keep us all inspired when we stop here to visit you.


  7. Happy New Year, dear Michelle! Have a wonderful, healthy, happy and inspired 2014!

  8. It's an inspiring word Michelle - the little voice in your heart will guide you.
    I'm looking forward to being part of your journey this year.
    Wishing you ‘health, happiness and JOY in 2014".
    Love and blessings
    Shane xox

  9. Честита нова година Мишел! Много здраве, щастие и творчески успехи.
    Поздрав и прегръдки от мен.

  10. We are richer for knowing YOU, Michelle! Let's get together soon. My kiddoes go back to school Monday, so I'm free for vintage shopping weekdays. :)
    I love your word for 2014 - reminds me of my Mom's prodding "Are you listening????" hee hee


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.