Thursday, December 5, 2013

Grey Dey Thursdey # 13.....

Actually....I’m dreaming of a “grey & white” Christmas this year and Pinterest abounds with winter grey inspiration....

Now For The Party...

(I would appreciate it if you would kindly add this button to your sidebar)

A few simple rules so that we all enjoy this weekly gathering....

1.  You don't need to be a "follower" to participate. ALL are welcome!

2. Post anything in grey or "shades" of grey  (I would hate to have to delete your Post so kindly respect this rule. "Merci")

3. If it's not something you've created or own, then please give credit to its' original source.

4. Kindly link back
to this post or place the blog button on your sidebar with a direct link.  

Let's add a little "grey to our deys!"

"Merci" for joining in.....


  1. So beautiful, and cozy looking, dear Michelle Louise,
    and OH that lovely little church in the snow....a wonderful Grey Dey to you ,too.

  2. I do like that print! And that church in the snow...sigh. My posts are mostly white this week, so no grey dey from me. Thank you again for your help with my etsy last night. Thank you for your friendship. Have a beautiful Grey Dey. xxo

  3. Love the mercury glass....xox

  4. Finally had some greys to link up with you. Thanks for hosting:-)


  5. What gorgeous images you've shown us this Grey Dey Thursdey! I am linking up late tonight but I hope you find it worth the wait. xxoo my friend

  6. Just love those Bell Blanc hearts - so divine as all of these beautiful images. Thanks for sharing these and
    Happy Grey Dey Thursday Michelle!

  7. Hello again, sweet petite Michele,

    Such beautiful images and a wonderful party! Can't wait to visit everyone!

    I discovered how much I missed the creative muse of blogging, so I'm back (new blog) and able to visit & leave comments at my favorite blogs once again. Happy to "see you" again!


  8. I linked one to your party with a pop of green...
    As soon as I downloaded the pics, I thought of your 'Grey Dey' blog. I hope that's ok that there is some color in my pic. It just seemed to fit...
    I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season~!
    Jen @ Lace Crazy

  9. Gorgeous images Michelle ....and oooooh I love pinterest but can easily get lost on there for quite some time !! have a nice 2 Advent weekend...Gail x

  10. Hey, where has my comment gone to? I'm afraid I have been too fast in clicking away... Anyway, great and gorgeous finds Michelle, thanks for sharing! That was what I said (well...something like that... I posted it on Thursday and can't remember what I said, but must be something like that, lol). Big hug

  11. Hello Michelle! Thank you so much for including me in your grey dey holiday inspiration!! I actually separated those two pieces this year and am now reconsidering! Happy Sunday!

  12. Hello dear Michelle
    My apologies for being so late this week but we have been away at the beach!
    As soon as I got home today I grabbed my laptop and wrote this post - I don't want to miss your party!
    Wishing you a beautiful week and thank you for sharing all the beautiful images with us.
    Much love
    Shane XOX


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.