Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary....

Today is the feast day of The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 
I am especially fond of The Blessed Mary.....

...she has always given me great comfort when I've needed it the most. I believe this picture was taken at The Hill of Crosses in Lithuania (on my bucket list for sure!).

Happy day Mes Amies!


  1. Gorgeous picture. My daughter is named after her. She was a very special woman.

  2. How gorgeous! I have always had a special affinity for the Blessed Mother, because the feast day for her birthday (September 8th) is also my birthday.
    I love your blog, and love seeing all your beautiful creations.

  3. The Blessed Mother has always been a source of comfort for me as she was for my own beloved mother who is no longer with me. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

  4. A beautiful image and Mother Mary has always been a comfort to me. Her love and devotion speak to my heart. xo Rhonda

  5. I'm very fond of her too,Michelle.TFS.Hope all is well.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  6. A special picture. A special Mother. A special blog. Thank you.

  7. Such a beautiful piece of Mother Mary- I love her,too, dear Michelle,- and even I`m not catholic , she touches me deeply, and I collect rosaries whenever they are priced for me to be able to buy! Must be fantastic to se this in real!
    Happy sunday to you dear friend!

  8. Michelle,

    Our Blessed Mother is such a source of comfort to all of us because she truly understands all of our human trials! That is a beautiful picture and I hope you get to visit the Hill of Crosses one day!

    Hugs and prayers,

  9. seen numerous videos on you tube about that place. is sure seems highly immortalized i guess you might say.


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