Thursday, December 13, 2012

Blogaversary Giveaway

It would seem that this humble blog celebrated an anniversary while I was in London....

...where did the past three years go?

I have been blessed, beyond measure, with the friendships I've made here....

...and am so very grateful for your love and support. 

And say "Merci".....

....I'm having a giveaway!

Remember this artful kit that was published in the summer issue of Somerset Life?

"No" silly will not receive THIS one but....

...the winner will receive a custom artful kit of her very own....

...filled with tresors based on her favorite colors and theme....

....bits and pieces of vintage and handmade trinkets....

 ...for display or to create-away with...

...simply leave ONE comment here and let me know what YOUR favorite colors & theme would be if you should win.

Winners name to be drawn on Christmas Eve!

~*~This giveaway is only open to my followers as of 12/12/12~*~



  1. Oh my goodness Michelle! What an absolutely gorgeous giveaway!!! Am I going to be the first commenter? First commenters don't usually win but I'll throw my name in the hat anyway!

    My favorite color is Lavender and any theme you came up with would be an amazing one!

  2. Oh I recognized this lovely set from Somerset right away! I loved it in the magazine and I love it here. Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for all you do and congrats on your anniversary and thank you for the chance to win. If I should be so lucky, I adore soft pink and soft teal or all creamy beigey neutrals.

  3. Wow Michelle, what a beautiful giveaway. Congrats on your anniversary. I like shades of white and gray. Your generosity is amazing, thanks so much for the chance to win.

  4. Oh, Michelle! THIS is the MOST wonderful giveaway gift ever!!!
    Favorite colors & theme? Whites, blues, pinks and browns & anything and everything vintage French (basically, anything you like, I like). Sigh. Some very lucky winner is going to be on Cloud 9!!! :)

  5. Not only are you creative, but you are so generous as well! Congratulations to you on your anniversary of blogging. You are clearly loved by many! If I were the lucky winner, I would love whites, aqua and pink in the theme of French, vintage and Petite Michelle Louise!


  6. Such a wonderful collection of yumminess! Congratulations on the anniversary and looking forward to many more! Color and theme....anything goes!

  7. Your give-away is absolutely gorgeous ! A anniversary already ?? WOW !! I cant believe it ! Congratulations Michelle !! I love your blog! Have a warm and creative day... Chickie

  8. Oh my, oh my!!! How delightful a giveaway is this, Michelle? I would love to be the lucky winner, but will be thrilled for whoever is blessed to receive one of your lovely boxes of tresors!! And my colors...whites of course, and vintage shabby would be wonderful!!

    Thank you for such an amazing giveaway, sweetie!

  9. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary! Time flys by. You've been one of my favorite bloggers for... let's say, two years now?, I hope you will continue being one of my biggest inspirations for many more years to come. Thank you so much! and congratulations again!

  10. Congrats on your 4 years of blogging Michelle. That is an awesome giveaway and so generous of you. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
    myfavorite - vintage style and white/cream ofcourse

  11. Beautiful ! So much inspiration in a box !

  12. Happy 4yr Anniversary! Thanks for the generous giveaway.. I love your style and colors so anything you put together is a favorite of mine.

  13. Wow Michelle, gorgeous eye candy! Happy 4th anniversary to your always inspiring blog. My favorites are creamy whites, vintage jewels, lace, flowers, and buttons just like your beautiful kit.

  14. Happy 4 years to you Michelle! It has been a very happy 4 years for me, filled with all the beauty and inspiration you always share, thank you for that. If I dare dream that I will win, I would love creams and sepias with a touch of soft blue, vintage garden and bird themed would be perfect.
    enJOY a Merry day,

  15. Congrats on 4years of fun to read your blog so the vintage creams!

  16. Gefeliciteerd met 4 jarig jubileum,love it en creame white colors.
    Leve groetjes Dana

  17. oooooooooo, I love exactly what is shown, a little pink, some white and aged treasures!!!!! enter me please!

  18. Wow! 4 years! Congratulations sweet Michelle! I have enjoyed you and your blog for almost a year now and I can't see you not being around for a very long time! You have to know how inspiring and nurturing you are to me! LOVE coming to visit! If I were to win, I would love the soft colors that is on the background of your blog. The creams, beige and that gorgeous bluish cool and warm all at the same time! Happy 4 years to you and thanks so much for the opportunity! xo, Jules:)

  19. Beautiful Michelle and happy blogiversary to you!It may seem a bit boring my my favorite color is white.

  20. Happy that a word? That kit is simply scrumptious! I love pink and cream. My dream kit would have a Marie Antoinette French theme! xo

  21. Joyeux Anniversaire dear Michelle! If I would be so blessed to win one of your beautiful kits I would love the vintage colors of cream and soft pastels. Thank you for the chance to win this great gift. Cindy

  22. What a lovely giveaway this is. Thanks for the opportunity. My favorite colors are teal, soft pink, cream and white. Ha! Love it all!

    Happy anniversary to you!

  23. Happy Blogaversary, Michelle! I follow via emails in my inbox - I hope that counts. My favorite colours are white, cream and a touch of silver. Such a generous giveaway, congratulations to the winner.

  24. Love it all, the softness of pale rose appeals, cheers Marie

  25. Oh my! All the time and care that went into this fabulous giveaway. So generous. Happy Bloganniversary, I am glad to be one of your followers your posts are alwasy inspring.

    I don't have "favorite" colors, I love them all but lean towards the earth tones in my life and retro brights in my art. And Yellow is my personal favoirte, but I don't wear it or have anything in my house that is yellow I just love it.

    Have a great season.


  26. What a lovely giveaway Michelle and congrats on four years!! I haven't even checked my stats for a long time so I am clueless. :)

    You know me, I love whites, creams and silver just like Lady Pamela. :) French theme for me!! Thank you for the chance!!

  27. Happy 4 year Blogiversary. I am thrilled that I follow you as you are such a lovely inspiration to my creative muse. Oh that I would be chosen to be the fortunate recipient...I would love white, silver and my heartthrob cobalt blue.
    May you have Peace and Joy and Holiday Bliss...

  28. SERIOUSLY!!! Oh mon amie, what a delight for the winner to open an artful kit curated by your artistic hands and eyes! Oooh, what a lucky winner - I hope I am that girl! Hee hee.
    You know me so well, you can surprise me with any color/theme you want.
    Truly, Michelle, this is a very generous and special way to celebrate these years of your blogging. You have already been so generous to us with all those beyond-inspirational posts!!!
    Best of luck to all participants and CONGRATULATIONS!
    xo, Susan

  29. Happy Blogaversary Michelle. It sure goes by fast. What a generous giveaway.
    Color? White of course. Is there anything better?

    I saw your art published in Sommerset. Gorgeous.
    Have a Wonderful Christmas Season.
    Hugs Lynn

  30. OMG......seriously Michelle!
    I have'nt stopped by for a while now and now that i do i see this gorgeous give-away.Who would'nt wanna win this, i sure do!
    First of all.............congrats with your 4 year of blogging.
    My favorite color is white, white and more white hihihi
    xo Marga

  31. Hmmm well I adore white and more white and pretty much every little gorgeous thing you create. Happy Blogiversary!!

  32. Yes please...enter my name. You know that I have been avid follower for quite a while and love all things you create. Even though I like all colors, I do lean towards the whites, beiges,creams, black, teal, and sepia.

    Congratulations Michelle!


  33. This is such a beautiful giveaway! If I were to win (and I'd be blessed if I did), I'd love creams and whites...Your colour tastes and your creations are always so beautiful!

  34. Michelle,
    Congratulations on 4 years of creating the most beautiful and inspirational Blog. This is a most generous giveaway and it would be a dream to win. I would have to say creams, whites, and pale greens for color; nature, leaves, trees for the theme, or French, or anything that would make you happy to create. Truthfully, any colors, any theme, would make me a happy happy gal.
    I wish you the best and more years of creating and blogging!!!!
    audrey xo

  35. I just love this beautiful treasure, I would love one in cream or olive or browns. but I would be happy with any color or theme! and congradulations on your anniversery

  36. Congratulations Michelle! I love all your creations so to win this box of tresors wld be very special indeed. I love all winged creatures be they birds or angels, fav colours wld have to be the creams and soft whites with a touch of shabby silver. If I am the lucky girl I will pay the postage as I live far far away - but not over a rainbow ; )

  37. Stunning! I love this. I hardly ever enter giveaways anymore, but this one caught me. As for theme and colors... I'm a fan of feminine, soft pinks, white's, turquoise. Anything Old Fashioned and Victorian. (AKA the kinds of pretty things you post on your blog all the time). Happy Christmas!


  38. Dearest Michelle, such a fabolous giveaway, and congratulations on the anniversary,- I still remember when reading the Sommerset Life, and seing the pages with your stunning box ,filled with beauty.I was and am still so amazed by your wonderful creation. If I was to be so very lucky to winn, I love white/cream- and shabby altered pieces.
    Hugs and love,Dorthe

  39. Oh, Michelle, is this for real ? J'adore ça !!! I love beige & white colors, and everything vintage, natural textures and materials.
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win one of your lovely creations...
    Avec amour,

  40. How very sweet of you. What a beautiful set of goodies. I love those colors and theme, I'm all about vintage sheet music and mother of pearl buttons. They are all so much fun. I also love vintage turquoise. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such lovely treasures, but also congratulations! 4 years! Yeah!

  41. Love giveaways such as yours. Sweetness and charm. Congratualtions on your blog anniversary! Creams and whites just as you show here are my fav. Thank you so much for my entry!


  42. What a beautiful box of treasures ! I love the ivories and whites like you are showing and also any other muted shades ....I love the whole french farmhouse style . Happy Happy Blog-a-versary to you ! ............ and many more I hope !

  43. Congrats on your anniversary. What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance. I love vintage creams.

  44. Thank you for such a beautiful and generous giveaway! And congrats on the blog anniversary; I always enjoy your posts. I love it all!!!! If forced to be more precise, I guess I would mention vintage, french, muted pinks and blues and beiges. Happy Holidays and good luck everyone.

  45. Michelle- this is one of the most beautiful creations I've ever seen-- so very personal and lovely beyond words that I could use to describe--

    Whoever wins this amazing gift from your heart and hands will surely treasure it!
    If I am the lucky girl-- make mine beachy please- with the colors of the sand and sea.

    This is so generous Michelle-- no wonder you are so loved---

  46. Michelle,
    Tu est tres gentil! You have many followers who adore your creations and you!
    This box you have displayed has so many wonderful treasures in it, any version of this would be "magnifique" to receive as a "Thank You" just for following your amazing blog! I thank YOU for sharing your talents all of us! Should I have the bonne chance to be the recipient of such an amazing gift, I would request a romance theme, with shades of cream and off white, laces or buttons or music, or pearls or anything you'd choose!

  47. I love your blog and appreciate your inspiration. Happy Holidays!

  48. This is so beautiful. You did this one in my favorite colors! Congratulations on your four year anniversary. I love reading your posts and look forward to continuing in the new year.

  49. Oh lovely cream, whites, music, buttons, pictures, sweet Pinkie, oh my cotton. Love it all and love you, happy anniversary, Di@Cottage-Wishes and stop by for my giveaway!

  50. Well, I may be too "new" of a follower, but I'll leave a comment anyway: wonderful assortment of delicious goodies! Creams and whites with tantalizing hints of pinks and blues would tickle my fancey. And then place it just "there", so I could gaze at it on occasion for inspiration and smiles! Happy Anniversary!

  51. Sweet friend I've missed you too! What an amazing giveaway your hosting. I loved this when I first saw it & yes I'd do flips if I won. As for what I'd like....I think you know:)

  52. Happy Anniversary! You are always inspiring and perhaps I will hit publish on my blog soon as I'm working on getting one up so I can share and inspire too. I just love your art filled box and I do love anything in whites and creams but aqua and baby pink are fun to put in the mix too.

    Good Day Sweet Lady.
    Warm regards,

  53. Happy Blog Anniversary! I love your art kit featured in SL and owning something just like it created especially by you would be a delight! Thank you for the chance.

    xo, abby

  54. Michelle your blog has been an amazing source of inspiration for me. I was so happy when I found your blog . You are amazingly generous to give away such an beautiful assortment of crafting goodness.
    Congrats your four wonderful years of blogging ... If I was the lucky recipient I would allow you to create whatever your heart desired, since your impeccable taste could never make anything less than amazing.

  55. i have loved reading your blog for some time, and I adore the idea of winning a gift that is so special. I don't have a blog of my own, so I hope that is not a requirement to win. The colors grey and pink or white are so pretty, so that is my choice. Thank you for a chance to win.

  56. Wow! So lovely! I love white, cream and pink. I love shabby, victorian & vintage. Thank you so much for sharing! Amy

  57. oh my, such a giveaway that you are hosting. congratulations on your success, as you so deserve it. you are such an inspiration to us all. all of the sweet things that you pass along to us. it is so appreciated. i would be blessed and honoured to receive such a gift. my favorite colors are any shade of white. pale pinks and aqua. i so love victorian, shabby but my true tresor would be religious. thank you so very much for the giveaway. Merry Christmas to all, and good luck. blessings, susy

  58. Welcome home! What a wonderful and generous giveaway prize. If I could choose a color or theme, I would love soft pastels.


  59. Where does the time go, Michelle? How sweet of you to offer this lovely giveaway andi think you know my color pallete by now...haha!

    I can't wait to hear all about you trip, you lucky girl!


  60. Michelle, so pretty, and such a treasure to behold, another year of your creative beauty, and another year in the makings:)
    Truly a giveaway to love, sometimes the pretty things we collect in a box to later add to the creative pieces we work on are just so pretty we just keep them around a bit. Your box of beauty would be just one of those pieces, one you just want to set out to admire, one that would inspire you to want to create every time you glance.

    Michelle the fortunate winner will be over joyed, I know I sure would.

    See you and all the beauty you create soon.
    Joyeux Noel

  61. What a beautiful and thoughtful giveaway. I love all colors- I'd be happy with a touch of sea foam green or gray, or gold. And the theme . . . a spring time wedding in honor of my daughter's upcoming wedding. Thank you!

  62. What a absolutely awesome giveaway Michelle. Of course you already know that white and neutrals are my all time faves.
    I know you had a wonderful trip and I am happy that you are home safe and with a head full of wonderful memories!
    sending hugs from me...

  63. Happy Blogaversary,Michelle.What a gorgeous giveaway and I would be thrilled to bits and pieces should I be so lucky:)White,shabby and French I love.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  64. Four years???? OHMYGOODNESS Happy Blogiversary sweet friend!!!!! I wish you many, many more years of blogging and sharing dear Michelle! And you so know that I love what you love...vanilla, creme, white and even brown ~ sending you hugs and love, Dawn

  65. congratulations
    The give away is beautifull
    The blog is wonderfull, the things you've made, ....wauw,
    I love shabby chic and pastels.
    many greetings from Holland, Hanneke

  66. Oh, wow, what a GREAT giveaway. I just looked at the pictures and fell in love.What a great kit.
    Please count me in.
    And my colour:white and light grey.

    Four years is a long time and you have so many followers.Congratulations !
    Have a nice weekend,


  67. Dear sweet Michelle,
    Congratulations!! I wish you many more wonderful blogging years and many more followers too. Your giveaway is so stunning and beautiful! Please enter my name.

    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  68. Congratulations on your anniversary and may you have many many more! If I were to be the very lucky person to receive such a beautiful gift I would have to say that I like 'Country Cottage' theme with lots of white and cream together with softly muted shades of pinks, blues and greens. Thank you so much for the chance.
    - Jeanette

  69. ohhh what a great giveaway.... whites in all her shades, also the offwhites, a bit pink... (not to much hubby doesn't like pink) and grey.....
    Happy Bloganniversary to you

  70. What a beautiful and generous giveaway Michelle!
    If I were to be so lucky a box of tresors in vintage whites for my french cottage farmhouse would be wonderful!
    Congrats on your milestone!

  71. Hello
    Congratulations on 3 years!
    A most beautiful and so special Giveaway.
    I cannot imagine I would be lucky enough but if I were I like shades of vintage white, sepia, the merest hint of pink/blush.
    Any theme but I do adore Parisian style but other favourites are vintage femmes, vintage dressmaking.
    Wishes to you and to many more years of blogging.

  72. Sweet I still have time?? Count me in, mon amie. Such a lovely and incredibly inspiring giveaway!!! Major swooning going on here. xo Rhonda

  73. Wow, awesome and congratulations! My faves right now are white, vintagey taupe and light pink. Gorgeous! My theme could be: wee cottage, vintage words, or finery and fluff (or whatever you felt like putting together if I were to win). There is one lucky girl out there somewhere!

    Don'tcha -LOVE- love Harrod's? Omigosh, I just adore that place. Ahhh, dreamy.


  74. I have gotten things from you before and really admire your gift of putting things together. It is a thrill to open my package, because you have made each bit so beautiful. Of course I would love to be the winner of this giveaway. I am into neutrals with a little pale pink or icy blue!

  75. Happy Blogiversary Michele! Beautiful, beautiful the whites and creams. Thank you for another wonderful year of inspiration. Merry Christmas! xoxo

  76. Such a stunning collection! Picking a color would be sooooo hard. Love those muted greens, blues and pinks.

  77. Has it been 4 years already! 4 years of beautiful inspiration- we should be thanking you!

    Oh my what colors would I choose- I would just be in heaven receiving a box of anything you wish to gather! I do love off whites and pinks and love all things romantic, with a touch of lace and bling!

    A Merry Christmas to You!

    bee blessed

  78. i've just discovered your blog site and i believe you to be the most creative person in the universe! beige and light salmon. deb

  79. Swoon! What a gorgeous collection of goodies. If I were so lucky to be chosen I love pink, lace, and all things vintage. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Congratulations on your anniversary,what a great blog and give away. I love your Etsy store too.

  82. Congratulations on your three year Blogaversary I love all things pink lace and vintage Paris and London.

  83. Congrats on another year...seems they fly by so quickly now! If chosen, I would select soft blues and creams....however, no matter who the lucky lady is, I'm sure anything you chose to put together would be perfect!
    just me...a fan...jan

  84. I cannot imagine anything I want to win more than this! Congratulations on your anniversary. Your blog touches my soul with every post and I should be offering you the gift!

    I love whites, creams and soft pinks and blues. Any theme you designed would be beautiful. I love religious articles, especially Marian items. Thank you SO much for the opportunity to enter and win, but mainly thank you for your lovely blog!

  85. happy anniversary! i've missed you, too. i love your etsy shop. i adore light pink and white and anything french!
    pam in indiana

  86. Oh my This is such a wonderful gift. My favorite colors are Creamy whites with a touch of soft pinks, blues and black. Merry Christmas!!! Love your blog.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.