Saturday, August 4, 2012

My 1,000 Follower Giveaway....

~*~This Giveaway Has Ended...merci~*~

I hardly know where to begin this post. It was almost two and half years ago that I joined this wonderful world of blogging. I remember being very hesitant, even a bit scared..."what would I have to say or share that anyone would want to read about?" Another ETSY shop owner encouraged me to give it a try and walked me through all of the steps and so my journey here began. And oh what a journey it has been! Unless you are "part of it all" it's hard to understand the sense of camaraderie, kinship and love that is shared in this amazing family. I have been blessed in so many ways with friendships that have given me.....

and, most of 

YOU, my beloved blogging friends, have come to mean so very much to very much... and I want to say "Merci".
"Mon coeur est heureux"
("My heart is happy")
And celebration of all of you...I  am hosting my
"1,000  Petite Michelle Louise Follower Giveaway"
I've put together some tresors that are near and dear to my heart and that I hope will speak to YOUR heart as well....
So here we go...

...a petite ex voto ornament....

 ...found it at Pottery Barn at the end of last season...

...painted it a creamy white and added some pearl beads to it. 

A pendant I made using an orignal  image from an old book page....

...framed in a silver plated bezel and sealed with resin.

Some lovely lace ribbon and appliques....

...gently tea-washed...

... and one of my handmade plexiglass pendants.

 A vintage linen napkin....

...with a fleur-de-lys napkin ring....

An old escutcheon that I painted a creamy white...

...and embellished with a bottle cap magnet (removable)...

....and some inspirational words and beads.

A vintage French book....

...and some of my petite handmade French pockets.

A collection of tresors...

...a lovely millinery flower....

 ...a sweet metal frame...

... a divine Holy Water Font (plastic)

....and a petite porcelain matchbox. 

A trio of bottles filled with petits tresors from my studio...

...for you to use in YOURS.

Here's what you'll find inside....

And, lastly, a vintage plate....

...hand stamped with precious words....

"Life is full of little pleasures"

And to carry it all in....

...a reusable vinyl tote...

My collection of "tresors" in honor of you....

Now here are the rules....
1. You MUST  be a follower as of 8/3/12.
2. Just leave a comment on this post. That's it!!

The beloved winner's name will be drawn on August 12th!
Bonne Chance Mes Amies!


  1. Wow! What a gift package! Congratulations on hitting 1000! And thanks for the chance to win a great prize! I've been a follower for a long time!

  2. Amazing, stunning and pure gorgeous!!! Oui Oui I'm excited for the chance to win this! How can you part with such loveliness? Oh mon amie, you've gone and done it again, you've put together a wonderful giveaway. xo Rhonda

  3. Congrats on so many followers! Et...such a generous give away- bonne chance à tous !!!

  4. Dearest Michelle. That is a fantastic gift. Love all of it. Cross my fingers.
    I can understand you have got 1000 followers. I love your blog and it`s one of the first I look for every evening.

    Hugs Bente

  5. OMG Michelle...........1000 followers.
    That's a lot but you deserve it, congrats!
    And such a beautiful give-away.......who would'nt want to win that.
    I know i would, hope i do :)
    xxx Marga

  6. oh I'd love to be in the chance for the give away!

  7. Congratulations on reaching the 1,000 milestone! Such a lovely giveaway - than you for the opportunity to enter!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  8. Oh wow Michelle, what a fabulous treasure trove of goodies. Congratulations on 1000 followers and I'm so happy to be one of them:-)
    Your posts always inspire me!! Thank you.

  9. Sweet Michelle,

    this is such a beautiful giveaway! Congratulations on 1000 followers and I wish you many more! Please enter my name to your giveaway.

    hugs and love
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  10. Michelle, Wow, you made it to 1000 followers! Congratulations! I'll bet this seems surreal...You've already been such a blessing to me, so obviously 1000 others feel the same way. Keep inspiring and before you know it, you'll have another 1000! Thanks for all you do, Kindly. Pam

  11. Muy merecidos estos 1000 seguidores, tu blog es maravilloso y fascinante y es magnifico este multiregalo que nos ofreces. Muchas gracias. Mariajo

  12. Congratulations. Those are all lovely things. Happy weekend.

  13. Just looking at all of this makes my heart skip a beat! Just gorgeous!

  14. Happy 1000 much deserved. What a wonderful giveaway. I am already a follower.

  15. Michelle,
    Congratulations on your 1,000 follower!!!!!! Oh my how I would love to win this all! You are so talented and it is all so beautiful.And yes I am a follower :-)

  16. Lovely give away. Congratulations on your 1000 followers.

  17. Congrats! On your 1000 followers. That is amazing! I am just still in 100's. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful giveaways! I have been a follower for quite some time now!

  18. Happy 1000!!! There will be many more. I'm sure of it. I'd love to win your treasures. Of course, I'm a follower.

  19. What a wonderful milestone, to reach 1000 in such a short amount of time. Your giveaway selection is perfection. Congratulations Michelle.

  20. All these treasures in One Giveaway??? You are a generous soul, Michelle. Everything is beautiful and I am filled with HOPE. Congratulations on 1000+ followers. ♥

  21. Congrats on reaching 1000 followers! Your gift is so generous and beautifully put together. Thank you for the chance:)


  22. Count me in as one of your faithful followers....thank you so much for the opportunity to win such a fabulous giveaway!!! Excited for you to reach 1000 followers - you deserve every ounce of attention you receive! Hugs....-tracie

  23. How beautiful all the goodies are! You have such a following and such talent......thanks for your generosity...

  24. Oh Michelle! I am literally swooning over here!!
    I just got back from Maine (just like you!) and read your post. Your give-away is to die for!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you miraculously pick me LOL!!! Everything is just so beautiful and whoever wins will certainly be the luckiest gal around!!

  25. My sweet, creative, gracious friend, you will have a bazillion followers in no time! Luv ya! And I've already won, cause I was lucky enough to find your blog, and your friendship.

  26. Oh Michelle an absolutely perfect French Giveaway to celebrate a very special milestone of 1000 followers. Your gift is as gracious and beautiful as you!
    Merci mon ami!

  27. Congrats on your 1000 followers Michelle - no wonder.
    That´s a very generous giveaway you have put together. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
    Wishing you a beautiful sunday

  28. Wow! You always have such wonderful and generous giveaways! Whoever wins this one is a very lucky person!


  29. Wow 1000 followers. Congratulations! So sweet of you to have such a beautiful giveaway. Thank you

  30. Congrats on reaching 1000 followers! ♥

  31. 1000 adhérents..... bravo!!!!!!
    J'adore votre blog...... toujours de belles idées
    et de merveilleux trésors!!!!!
    Bon dimanche

  32. Oh Michelle, you are so generous to celebrate your 1000 blog followers, by giving us the chance to win your exceptional giveaway!!!!!
    Your collection of tresors is so beautiful.
    You're an inspiration to us all. Congrats on 1000 - what an achievement!

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

  33. What an amazing milestone! Congratulations on reaching such an amazing figure. Your giveaway is so generous, my goodness, all those beautiful white treasures, they make my heart beat faster just looking at them on your blog. Actually holding them would be awesome. Can you tell I would love to win this giveaway? LOL

  34. Nie wiem czy też mogę dołączyć do tej zabawy, ale jeśli tak to czynię to z wielką przyjemnością. Giveaway jest niesamowite, ale tylko takiego można się spodziewać na Twoim blogu, to magiczne miejsce.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie i zapraszam na małe rozdawnictwo u siebie na blogu
    Mimowolne Zauroczenia

  35. What a beautiful giveaway, Michelle!
    Dare I dream that I might win?
    Congratulations on this well deserved milestone.
    enJOY a beautiful Sunday,

  36. Goodness gracious what gorgeous treasures! Congratulations on your 1,000 post (wowsers)! I hope you have a wonderful day (I think it might rain here---yeah)~!

  37. Wow - What a lovely collection. The holy water font is just amazing. I will be waiting patiently to see who wins! They will be a lucky, lucky soul! Have a Blessed Sunday!

  38. I love it ALL Michelle! Sign me up, sign me up, sign me up!! I would love Anything that comes out of your crafty studio. Thanks for the chance!
    Blessings & hugs,

  39. Congratulations on 1000 followers,Michelle.
    Your gorgeous giveaway just blows me away:)Keeping my fingers crossed.
    Did you notice that the escutcheon has my name on it?
    Merci for the chance.Have a lovely Sunday.

  40. We should be thanking you Michelle for allowing us to follow along to see all of your wonderful creations! Thanks to you, I now dream of all things French and white! Count me in and congrats on this special milestone!

  41. 1000 followers,quite a feat. Not that I can say I'm surprised as your blog is beyond lovely! Thank you so much for the chance to win all the beautiful treasures and Congrats!

  42. Do I recognize those little matchboxes? Sweet stuff here!

  43. Dear Michelle: I´m so glad for the 1000 followers! And the giveaway is lovely.

  44. What a generous giveaway.. Follower of yours. Congrats and cant wait to see the winner!!

  45. Congrats on the milestone Michelle! What a beautiful and generous collection of goodies in your giveaway. I love it all!


  46. Such a generous heart you have, dear Michelle, and what a wonderful way to celebrate 1000 lucky followers to your beloved blog! I've returned from our Colorado vacation, and am thrilled to see this post from you...offering such beautiful tresors and unique treats for a lucky artist soul to use.
    YOU have been such a blessing in my life, and I don't think I could have started blogging without your mentorship. This friendship we've shared through this inspirational medium of blogging has been quite a gift.
    Congratulations to you, mon amie, for well deserved success sharing your talents with the world.
    Oh, and you look absolutely adorable in that pic - sure you want to give that bag up?

  47. Michelle,

    Congrats and thanks for the chance at your giveaway! I jsut love your style and look forward to your posts!

  48. Super bag chock full of treasures! It would be such a joy to win. Thanks for the chance and all the many inspiring posts you have given us. Congratulations!

  49. Oh my goodness what a lovely way to celebrate 1000 followers!!!! I am one of those happy 1000 followers of yours! Just love your blog!

    bee blessed

  50. Congratulations on 1000 followers!
    Your blog always has such beautiful photos.
    I read your blog daily. Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway.
    Andrea D

  51. Congratulations on 1000 followers! Your blog is an inspiration for me, thank you very much Michelle...

    Hugs, Lucy

  52. Oh my goodness Michelle, that is a boatload of goodies right there!!! I was scared when I first started my blog too but I'm so glad I did because I've met so many wonderful bloggy buddies:)

    Congratulations and here's to 1000 more!!!

  53. Michelle, Heartfelt Congratulations on your 1000 followers! It seems that I see your beautiful creations everywhere and I know them immediately when I see them. Feminine, unique and lovely. Thanks for sharing your talents. I've learned so much from reading your blog, seeing you on Stampington and now Pinterest!


  54. Michelle....

    Blogging would not be the same without you! I adore your romantic style, and your adorable petite personality. All of your posts, full of sweet words and beautiful photos serve to inspire me ... I love it when you share your studio space and your vintage treasure shopping expeditions.

    You most certainly have put together a gift from your heart....a very beautiful and generous gift indeed! I love all of the goodies and would be head over heals - thrilled to win your giveaway!!

    So....p.l.e.a.s.e. do enter my name!
    Merci mon amie.

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  55. Hello from Durban in South Africa! I have only learnt about blogs a few weeks ago! You girls in the USA are really light years ahead of us! CONGRATULATIONS on 1000 followers of which I'm one of course! Thank you for your beautiful pictures, blog and most of all your inspiration! Warmest regards - Lani Going

  56. Congratulations girlfriend!
    Having met you here in blogland and in the real world has been just wonderful!
    This is a beautiful giveaway...could I get so lucky?!
    Thank you!!

  57. Oh my dear Michelle,
    CONGRATULATIONS on this fantastic milestone of 1000 followers.
    We all love visiting and being inspired.
    Your giveaway is so very generous, and so very beautiful- such treasures for the lucky winner.
    Please count me in dear friend.
    Hugs and love,Dorthe

  58. Lovely Michelle, is it December already? My goodness these wonderful gems make me think of Christmas! And then of course the Holy Water font is making me estatic! Oh my dear please enter me in for this glorious and spiritual gems. Sending wishes for a blissful week, Lori

  59. First, congratulations on your abundant amount of followers, however I am not surprised. Your blog is always beautiful...each and every post!!
    Thanks for the chance to win these lovely items Michelle!!

  60. Congratulations on your milestone!!! Love your blog and I always look forward to every post - beautiful!

    What a generous giveaway, Michelle! Such wonderful treasures! Hoping I am the blessed recipient!

    Have a wonderful week!

  61. Salut Michelle!
    It's amazing what creativity I have found here...You see the potential in so many things passed otherwise by. I have enjoyed visiting here to see what inspires & to be inspired~ Thank you for sharing!
    Au revoir
    ~Kelly ;o)

  62. Bonjour Michelle!

    I just wanted to let you know that I've added your giveaway link to my blogs sidebar. I'll keep it up until a winner is announced on August 12th....

    Have yourself a creative day, dear friend.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  63. oh congratulations on that milestone !! lovely lovely photos !! Gail x

  64. Bonjour! If anyone isn't drooling by now they are crazy!! lol
    Your giveaway is so special, I love it, it is so ME, if you know what I mean!

    And congratulations on your 1,000 milestone..... That's sure a lot!

    Thanks for this giveaway!

    Looking forward to the winner!

    Ciao Bella
    Sensible Sarah

  65. Michelle,
    Congratulations! I sure hope that I can reach the same milestone someday. My own blog is fairly new and I am confident that one day I will get there!
    Your note holders are absolutely, beautiful and so unique!
    Wishing you continued success! I will look for you on etsy and add you to my circle :)
    With my warm regards,

  66. Congratulations. You have a great blog and I would love the chance to be included in this drawing.



  67. Oh my heavens, these are dreamy items and I for one would certainly love to win them. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers, I can understand why, your blog is amazing. Hugs...Lu

  68. Such lovely things you've chosen to give to a lucky winner. I have enjoyed my visits to your blog and always find beauty and inspiration here. Thank you so much for entering me. I am a follower.


  69. Yes, I've been a follower and would love to win this amazing treasure trove of yours! What a great giveaway!

  70. Michelle your work and style are so exquisite. I come by as often as I can just don't always comment. Your studio is a big inspiration to me getting mine organized. Hopefully one day I'll be able to show it:)
    Congrats on the milestone.


  71. Wow! Such elegant, feminine items that you offer as prizes! I am so happy I found your blog! Your items are so creative and delicate. I live la vie francaise vicariously through you. Merci!


  72. Such a large amountt goodies! Thanks for the opportunity to win, but most of all I'm so glad I've found you through this wonderful world of blogging. You are such a sweet soul:-)

    Enjoy the rest of your week,

  73. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers. I was lucky enough to discover your beautiful blog and Esty shop through WBC and as I wrote to you, I felt I had found a soulmate in you! I have never wanted to win any prize as much as I do this one. It would mean the world to me, especially the religious items. I would proudly display everything in my little space and dream of the day that I have myself surrounded by the prettiness and holiness that you do!

    Thank you for your generosity and kindness in offering this to us, who are blessed by receiving your posts already!

    Hugs and prayers,

  74. Bonjour! Michelle,

    Felicitations! encore. Wow! 1,000th followers. You deserve it fille ;o) Your Blog is soooo enchanting & truly a little gift wrapped up in each post. J'adore! your Blog mon ami. You are a beautiful organic soul & this is apparent in all you touch. A sincere "Merci!" from "mon coeur" for sharing, your friendship & inspiration. I am grateful!

    All your tresors in your Giveaway are just divine. Love all of them. Thank you! for the opportunity to be part of your special Giveaway.

    Have a sunny week! Take care.

    Blessings & Hugs,

  75. I was absolutely positive that I left a comment, but I checked twice and I don't see it here. Yes! Please add me to the list of hopefuls for your giveaway. Congratulations on 1000. Wow.

  76. I've been a follower for a long time too! Thanks for such an amazing and generous giveaway :)

  77. Such an inspiration your blog, you make beautifull tresures and I love to take a try to win you lovely give away.
    Thank you anyway for you inspiration

    Warm greetings from the Netherlands
    Tamar by wonen in wit (living in white)

  78. Love Love your sweet finds.I get inspired every time I visit. Have a sunny and creative day..Chickie

  79. How awesome! Congratulations on your milestone! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win such fabulous items!

  80. Aw! I hope I'm not to late to enter your giveaway Michelle. You know how much I love your blog and all the wonderful and inspirational tresors you always manage to create. Take care.



Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.