Friday, May 13, 2011

When The Lilacs Bloom

This was a post I did last Spring but I wanted to share it with you once again since it's "Lilac Season."

“I miss you most when lilacs bloom
And leaves catch drops of rain.
The scent of budding lilacs
Sweetly touched by sun again.

I miss you most when lilacs bloom
And summer’s in the air.
Traces of a season spent
With one another there.

I miss you when the days are long
And nightfall fills the room.
But the times I miss you most
Are when the lilacs bloom.”

I wrote that poem for my grandparents many years ago. Whenever it is lilac-blooming season...i always think of them. I'll tell you why... 
There used to be this really beautiful lilac bush in front of their home. Whenever we went there to visit during lilac season..the scent of those lilacs would follow us through the front door and into the house. I loved it. When it was time to leave, my grandmother would always let me cut a bouquet of them...and she would wrap them in tinfoil for the ride home. I kept them long after they dried up and died because they still smelled so beautiful. When my grandparents had to move into an elder housing center, i missed that ritual so much. I asked my parents if we could plant a lilac bush near our front door and we did. the time it grew to the point where it really bloomed, my grandparents had both passed away and i had left for college. On one of my  visits home during Lilac season...i cut a bouquet of them, wrapped them in tinfoil  and borrowed my dad's car to make the long trek to the cemetery to visit them. It became a ritual for me whenever i was home during that time of year. Years later, when my husband and i were looking for our first home, we came upon an old colonial set on a corner lot. We did the "walk through" and checked out every nook and cranny but what "Sold" me on the house was when i looked out the dining room window and saw the Lilac bush in the backyard. It was absolutely beautiful luck would have full bloom! I took it as a sign from above that we would have many happy years in this home and so we bought it. We still live here to this day. Unfortunately, when we were re-locating our driveway from the busy front street to the back...the guys who did the job destroyed my lilac bush. I was devastated and saddened. They took away so much more than my lilacs but...they didn't take away my fond memories of them. this day..whenever i smell lilacs and see them in bloom i remember my sweet grandparents. I hope you have fond memories of yours. 


  1. Such a sweet and tender story you've shared with us. Just as sweet as the first, I love all of your stories. xoxoxo Rhonda

  2. I remember this post! That poem is so pretty:) Lilacs are gorgeous and I am SO into that color right now...lavender and lilac:)

    Happy Friday!

  3. Oh sweet Michelle,
    That is the most beautiful poem!! What a loving tribute to your grandparents!! Is there anything you can't do? :) You are amazing!
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  4. Beautiful lilacs Michelle. Mine are just staring to bloom and I have small trees, but I know they will be large before I know it. So sad about your lilac bush getting destroyed. :(

  5. Michelle, I think we were indeed lucky girls to have had grandparents we loved so very much that memories like this lasted so long into our adult life. ISN'T THAT WHAT WE HOPE FOR AS PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS? To be such a BIG part of a little person's life that they remember into adulthood. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Michelle, your story about your grandparents along with your lovely poem were so touching. You have such wonderful memories of growing up. Thanks for sharing them.


  7. Such beautiful memories, Michelle! Thank you for sharing them with us! Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers, and I wish they lasted longer!

    My grandma had a grapvine on the side of her farmhouse driveway, so when I see them I think of her...


  8. Dear Michelle, thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory. For me, it was my maternal Grandmom's peonies and my paternal Grandmom's hydrangeas, still my 2 favorites in the garden.
    enJOY a lovely evening,

  9. I love this - what a beautiful story - it brought tears to my eyes. Childhood memories of grandparents are precious. I have my grandmothers beautiful teacups that we used to drink tea from together with an Entemens coffee cake!!! She was my best friend. Thanks for reminding me.

  10. oh Michelle I remember reading that post last year and saying how it reminded me of my aunt jenny and the honeysuckle bush that grew outside her home.
    Til this day every time I see honeysuckle or smell it I think of my Great Aunt Jenny, she just passed away this year. I will miss her but we have the flowers to give us that most cherished memory...

  11. What a beautiful post! I sincerely hope you have planted a new lilac bush so you can continue the tradition.

  12. Such a wonderful story full of fond memories of your grandparents. I do hope you plant another bush.
    I have a large Lilac in my yard, not quite the season yet but Love to put blooms on my table, they smell so great!
    hugs Lynn

  13. Hi dear,
    what wonderful memmories, Michelle-
    so beautiful to bring with you, and keep close to your heart-and such a sweet poem.

  14. Oh, I LOVE this post so much Michelle! I love lilacs too - as they remind me of my grandparents as well. :)

  15. I love Lilacs they are my husbands favorite flower! So pretty and purple is my favorite color!!! My Grandmother has some growing in her front yard!!! great post sweet Michelle!!:) ♥

  16. What a lovely post, thanks for "sharing" with us.
    Barb in Texas

  17. You gave me chills. Thank you for sharing your sweet memories with us, Michelle!
    Sending big hugs,
    Monica xo

  18. I never had a chance to know any of my grandparents...but your story is so very touching....i'm so glad you shared it!
    I believe I will think of that little girl with foil a wrapped buch of lilacs each time I glance out the window at the neighbour's tree.

    You are so sweet.

    Ciao Bella!


  19. Lilacs are some of my favorites. What a lovely poem. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Hugs

  20. Okay, now I'm in tears. I love your sweet story and your beautiful poem. I have a lilac bush at my house and whenever they bloom, I will think of you. :-)


  21. Michelle there is no way you could have known how this post would touch me, but it was as if you were writing my memories. I have always loved lilac time because of the memories tied to my own grandparents. You see, they had a lilac bush that hung over their front walk and the scent would fill their home and I too would take home a bouquet when we would leave. I found this post such a comfort tonight and I thank you for sharing it and your beautiful poem. I needed to remember this precious memory.

    Your White Wednesday tribute to Kathleen is beautiful!
    hugs from here...

  22. Michelle- such a beautiful bittersweet story- your lilacs are lovely. Special memories and traditions are priceless. I love lilacs also- their fragrance is like no other. Thank you for sharing this special memory and such gorgeous photos.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing your touching story!
    I love lilacs very very much and my birthday is right in the time they bloom here in Latvia/Europe (just started now)!


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