Monday, April 25, 2011


About a month ago, a customer from my ETSY shop visited my blog for the first time. She emailed me to say that she liked some of my images so much that she “pinned” them. I had NO idea what she was talking about and never got around to asking her. Several days later... Zuzu (A Cottage in The Woods) just happened to blog about a place online called “Pinterest.” Well...that explained it all! Here's what I learned from Zuzu....
Pinterest is a place to create collections of images from the web that you like and share them with others. You can create and name as many "boards" as you wish, and "pin" the images you like to your boards. By "following" others on Pinterest, you can see and "repin" what they are sharing. It’s a wonderful place to find and share inspiration. It’s virtual and it’s free! Warning: it can be quite addicting too!
Here’s a link to my Pinterest Boards if you'd like to see what it’s all about...
(just click on the picture...)
If you'd like to start your own Pinterest, go to Towards the top of the page on the left, you will see a button "REQUEST AN INVITE" - click it and fill in the request. It may take several days to a week to get a response but it will be worth the wait! Happy “pinning!”

~*~"Merci" Zuzu for all your help in teaching me about Pinterst and guiding me along!


  1. Oh how cool that is!!! I better save doing this for tomorrow otherwise I will get nothing else done! Thank you for sharing the link Michelle:)

  2. Thank you for sharing this site! I looked at your boards and they are beautiful! I'm going right over now.

  3. I've heard of this site before, but I've yet to visit. Thanks for reminding me. Love all your pictures and creations, they're always lovely. Marcia

  4. Oooh Nooo! Not another thing for me to get hooked on!!!!! LOL!
    I LOVE the new look of your design. Just perfect Michelle!
    I hope you had the best Easter ever!
    sending hugs...

  5. Thanks a lot Michelle!! I am now hooked! On the waiting list to spend more time on the computer! hee-hee:) I love your Pinterest, beautiful photos and thank you so much for including me my friend!! I really appreciate it!
    Wishing you a lovely week!

  6. WOW! Your images and home are splendid!! Love it all!!!

  7. Well, that looks cool - I will have to check it more tomorrow. Thank you for sharing with us all. Seriously, I'm always the last to know these new things.

  8. Wow, Michelle ! Thank you so, so muuuuch... I had no idea about this site and, as you wisely appoint, it's a super practical way to put all your images together and get the inspiration you need for a specific subject. Follow me? Sometimes I think I use too many words to explain myself, and with my English it's not the best way to proceed... Well, that's it, I love this new site. Thank you for telling us about.
    Doux bisous ;O)

  9. Thanks Michelle!
    I have been seeing this every where and now I want in!!
    I am sure my husband will be thrilled that I have one more reason to have this computer on my lap!!
    Off I go to sigh over your pictures!

  10. I am so, so glad that you are enjoying Pinterest, Michelle!!! :)


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.