Tuesday, April 26, 2011

White Wednesday

"Kitchen Whites"

"Dining Room Whites"

And whites around my home with a splash of spring color...

Newly painted pieces....

...and in the garden....

Happy White Wednesday mes amies!
Head on over to Kathleen's Faded Charm Cottage for more springtime white inspiration!

Monday, April 25, 2011


About a month ago, a customer from my ETSY shop visited my blog for the first time. She emailed me to say that she liked some of my images so much that she “pinned” them. I had NO idea what she was talking about and never got around to asking her. Several days later... Zuzu (A Cottage in The Woods) just happened to blog about a place online called “Pinterest.” Well...that explained it all! Here's what I learned from Zuzu....
Pinterest is a place to create collections of images from the web that you like and share them with others. You can create and name as many "boards" as you wish, and "pin" the images you like to your boards. By "following" others on Pinterest, you can see and "repin" what they are sharing. It’s a wonderful place to find and share inspiration. It’s virtual and it’s free! Warning: it can be quite addicting too!
Here’s a link to my Pinterest Boards if you'd like to see what it’s all about...
(just click on the picture...)
If you'd like to start your own Pinterest, go to http://pinterest.com/ Towards the top of the page on the left, you will see a button "REQUEST AN INVITE" - click it and fill in the request. It may take several days to a week to get a response but it will be worth the wait! Happy “pinning!”

~*~"Merci" Zuzu for all your help in teaching me about Pinterst and guiding me along!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter

~*~Heureuses Paques Mes Amies~*~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Life

Spring is in the air here on the East Coast (finally) and with it always comes a feeling of "new life." It makes you want to clean out all the things that have accumulated over the long cold winter and open windows to let the fresh air come in. It makes you want to dust, polish and shine so that everything sparkles in the glorious sunshine. Ahhhh....j'adore "le printemps." This spring, i decided to give my Blog look a "new life" (it needed to be "polished and shined" badly). 

Sweet Karen

So....i finally called Karen @ Valentine Design to see what she could do for me. And, need I say more? You are looking at this diamond in the rough that she polished til' it shone. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to work with her on helping to create a blog that truly expresses "moi."  One conversation was all it took for her to understand what i was looking for. I was amazed when she sent me the sample of what she had been working on for me. Truth be told, when i logged on and saw my "new look" for the first time, it made me teary-eyed. 

"Merci" Karen for giving my Blog new life and for bringing some of that badly needed sunshine my way.  I am so very grateful for your time, patience and the love that you put into the work that you do! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

White Wednesday

Some oldies but goodies....

Happy White Wednesday mes amies. I'm joining 
Kathleen's Faded Charm Cottage for more white inspiration.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Avec Amour,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"The White Event"

This past week-end, on my way home from the Cape, i had the pleasure of stopping into The Wrentham Country Store where Sandi (A Cottage Muse) and Karen (A Shabby Moment In Time) along with other vendors of The Wrentham Country Store were hosting their first ("annual", i hope) "At Home With White Event."

The white-tent-event was filled to the brim with a sea of gorgeous whites.
Hand painted cottage beach signs...

...coverless books adorned with vintage inspired ephemera....

....lots of burlap and ... 

....French inspired lovelies.

Petite painted pots....

...sweet pillows....

...and some of the most beautiful white painted furniture i have ever seen!

The most exciting part of the day.......

...getting to meet THESE awesome Massachusetts bloggers for the FISRT time in person!!
Susan (Evelyn And Rose), Karen (A Shabby Moment In Time), "Moi" and Sandi (A Cottage Muse). And i heard that i just missed seeing Diane (Passionate For White) at the event.

Of course, the second most exciting part of the day was bringing these home....

A chippy basket filled with...

...a rusty old clock...

...matelasse pillow shams...

...a cool canvas tote....

...and a sweet creamy soup tureen!

"Merci" Sandi, Susan and Karen for making me smile all the way home! You are all as sweet in person as you are on your blogs! 

Linking up to Kathleen's Faded Charm Cottage for White Wednesday!

Oh Happy Day!

Avec Amour, 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Can't Stop Myself....

...from creating these "Inspiration Holders!" 
I'm having too much fun....

Here's my newest batch...

~*~"Dark Romance"~*~

"A Little Bird Told Me"
(on reserve)

 "Black Beauty"

 "In Memoriam"

"Rusty Love"

 "Somber Devotion"


 ~*~"Brass Beauties"~*~
(All 3 On Reserve)

 "Key To My Heart"

 "Petite Princess"

 "Too Cute"

 I've embellished most of the holders in this newest line with charms and pieces that can be removed and then worn as pendants, added to charm bracelets or to use as keychains.

Oh happy Day!

Avec Amour,

(soon for sale in my etsy shop)