Sunday, February 13, 2011

Words of Wisdom For "Housewives" Everywhere

I found this vintage advertising booklet in my stash of ephemera as i was cleaning out my studio today. I remember falling in love with the gorgeous butterfly images and so i bought it at a local flea market. 

It is by "Chase & Sanborn: Importers of Tea and Coffee"
~Boston - Chicago - Montreal~
Dated 1900

Today...i took the time to actually "read" the back of the booklet and this is what it says ........
 (you must click on the picture once to enlarge it so that you can read it easier )
....this is hysterical i tell you...hysterical! 
So ladies, what the Misters Chase & Sanborn would have you glean from their advertising jewel is this:

Be charming, witty and amiable. Dress neatly and prettily. Display good taste and,  for heavens sake,  remember that you are an "ornament" at the family table!  

And, apparently,  if you use Chase & Sanborn-brand coffees and will be able to "keep" your husbands as well as  your homes!

I don't know about YOU...but i am off to my local grocers to see if I can't find me some of that magical coffee and tea!

Oh Happy Day for housewives all over the world!

Avec Amour,


  1. Michelle, the booklet cover is so lovely. Then I followed your advice and read the page. All I kept wondering is "WHEN was this written?" (yes, of course...101 years ago)

    Well, I do have Folgers decaf....I wonder if that'll work. I'm going to schlep over to the kitchen in my robe and fuzzy slippers to make some magical coffee! Maybe then I'll magically transform into a charming, witty, ornamental Homemaking Diva!

  2. So I guess I shouldn't be in my husband's stained Dodger t-shirt and my red and green striped fuzzy socks when I serve dinner tonight? Wow, times sure have changed!!! This was too funny:)

  3. This made me chuckle, so funny. Wonder whether I can get that coffee in our supermarket?

  4. Thanks for sharing the art work is gorgeous, the Ad, is too funny!

  5. That is hilarious! I don't think Chase and Sanborn would approve of me LOL Gotta love advertising...even from the early days : )

  6. Wow, I wonder how I've been able to keep that husband of mine, seeing that I work nights and he makes the family dinner? Ha!

  7. The book made me laugh but you made me laugh more!! I must remember to dress for dinner tonight. Oh darn we're going out for Chinese.

  8. Oh Michelle--
    times really changed--- here we are -wemen all over the world---well maybe not everywhere--- --
    not holding the family together, like that at all--but by being ouerself--- strong women,---- dressing ,speaking-and living ouer lives,and being respected for that!! thanks Goodness!
    How lucky we are being here, in the 2 thousends!!!
    Have a lovely sunday, dear Michelle -

  9. Michelle this is too funny! We have come along way baby!!

  10. ... Boy you made me smile!! Coming along to the grocers with you ;)
    Monica xo

  11. lol - so hanging out in my flannel jammies on a Sunday isn't a good thing? darn...

    This book you show is darling - i love the sweet suggestions. from that made me giggle a bit!


  12. Pretty graphics....but I'm definitely a failure as a wife! ;)


  13. Ah...the good ol' days! Too funny Michelle!

  14. That was sooo much fun to read, Michelle!!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely book.
    Have a wonderful Valentine's day.

  15. Say WHAT?! Thank goodness those days are longggg gone :)


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