Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Trip To Paris

Oh happy day...
i spent a charming four days in  Paris....

 I gazed up into these windows...

 ...and watched an old French movie in this theater.

I shopped in this fine boutique...

 and feasted on the most delicious French pastries.... this patisserie.

 I tasted sweet French wine... this old French alley.
I ate lunch here...

...while looking out at this view.

 I had dessert in this shop...

 ...and strolled through this beautiful French Art Gallery.

 I dined in this fine French Restaurant...

...and dreamed of going to Paris for real!
But for now, i'm happy to have spent 4 days in The International Showcase at Disney's beautiful Epcott Center in sunny Florida!

Happy New Year Mes Amies!
May all of your dreams come true for you this year!

Avec Amour,


  1. Oh, you had me going Michelle. I was so excited to hear you were in the real Paris. But Epcot Center will do for now, huh? Lucky girl in any case. Those pastries look divine! Welcome back!
    - Susan

  2. Hello Michelle,

    You are son funny and convincing. Happy New year!

  3. oh so so pretty... its funny I thought you were in Paris as well. Its nice to meet you. I am new to blogging and just found yours tonight it is soooo pretty. I cannot wait to stop back and visit often. If you get the time please stop by and say hi, I'm also having a big give away I would love for you to join in on the fun. Have a wonderful night.

  4. HA! I was thinking, 'Gee...Paris looks SO "Disney" clean! I'm impressed!!' ;} It's adorable!!

    m ^..^

  5. This was very convincing!! I haven't been to Epcot in a LONG time. Glad you had a fun 4 days in Florida!
    Thanks for your very nice comment on my blog today!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi dear,
    wow, I was with you in Paris, for real!!!!
    and did not know of such a wonderfull thing as Paris, in Florida .
    Such a wonderfull trip for you, Michelle .
    I wish you a wonderfull day-here we are in the middle of a new snowstorm !!!
    Hugs to you-

  8. LOL...Michelle I live about 35 minutes from there. I was on to you from the start, girl! lol Hope you had fun. Atleast it was warmer this week! There are some great thrift stores and junk once you get out of that tourist area on I4. Wish we could have shopped together!

  9. I thought "what did I miss...she went to Paris??????...hee hee. That is probably the closest to Paris I will ever get, but a girl can dream!!

  10. Holy Moses, you really had me going there! I seriously thought that was Paris!!! Those pics are amazing. Sometimes I go on google maps and stroll the streets of Paris or the town I was born in in England...we're allowed to dream right? Haha, I see the comment above says A girl can dream!

  11. You are such a tease, and I thought it was for real. I have been to Disneyworld and I must have walked through Paris with my eyes closed. I want to go back. I can see you had the time of your life.....Char

  12. Hi Michelle,
    you almost fooled me! So funny.Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    Have a great day.

  13. Okay, I was sincerely jealous in the beginning, and then all the way through the post I was going to say how very lucky you were. Still I think you are very lucky to have spent time at Epcot. I probably will never get to go there. It just looked a little bit to clean for the real Paris.
    The closest I get to Paris, is going into Las Vegas we live 50 miles from LV) for a fabulous date with my husband. The 'Paris hotel' is one of our favorites. You can go to the top of the Eiffel tower, which is half the size exactly of the real one, and watch the Bellagio water show from above. By the time you walk through the street like insides of this hotel, and browse the shops, you truly feel like you have been to Paris. The mimes are at work there too. Then when I want to go to Italy, we go to the Venetian and ride the gondola and get sung to. Very romantic and a good way to pretend!

  14. Oh Michelle...we've been thinking about visiting Monsieur Mouse real soon!! Gorgeous photos!

  15. You got me! I really thought you were in Paris! But I was sorta thinking it was very clean as well! My heart was racing and I was starting to sweat! Then you let me down! Oh well! Hope you had a great time at Disney!

  16. Oh Michelle, I too thought you went to Paris! I was so excited! I wondered how you kept it all a secret. I thought MPL surprised you. I am going to Paris in April and can hardly contain myself.

    Lovely photos your of your trip, I had no idea they had a Paris in Disney. How fun it looks.

  17. SO cute!! I am jealous anyway!! Glad you had a great time!

  18. Oh you had me with the first photo, I was feeling envy sneaking in :) Then I realize that you were not in Paris, don't get me wrong this was lovely and would do for European "fix". However, once you go to France you will understand what I mean, especially Paris. It is just a totally different atmosphere, which will have something for all of your 5 senses :0 Thanks for sharing your awesome European Disney adventure :)

  19. I'm sure you had a lovely time! I've never been to Disney World or Epcot, but I think it would be a lovely trip! Maybe next time.. the real thing!

  20. I thought to myself,


    is there a special going on ~ a 1/2 price trip to Paris or something???
    I guess I should have known when I didn't see any glorious colored french macarons!!
    BUT, it does look like a fun trip to take here:)
    Maybe you and I could hitch a ride with Rhonda when she goes in April!!
    Can you imagine?? Paris, in April??
    the bunch of us?? french stockings and wine??

    Ohhhhh Rhonda!!
    Just how BIG is your suitcase??


    missed you, glad your back!
    xo, Rosemary

  21. You had me fooled! Really looks like the real thing, but I'm sure it was wonderful as well.
    Disney sure know how to do it right!


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