Thursday, October 14, 2010

What's A Girl To Do? Part 5

What's a girl to do when she finds a bag full of these at the Flea Market??

...she makes these....

...and these...

...and these...

I found a bag full of bottle caps at my favorite Sunday flea market and couldn't resist them for the price! I wasn't sure what i was actually going to DO with them but i knew they could be transformed into something quite lovely if i gave it some thought. 

"A reliquary (also referred to as a shrine or by the French term chasse) is a container for relics. These may be the physical remains of saints, such as bones, pieces of clothing, or some object associated with saints or other religious figures."

This "chasse" was the inspiration for my bottle cap transformations. It is an authentic reliquary of Ste. Therese...a French Carmelite nun also known as "The Little Flower of Jesus." It was given to me by my dear friend, Marguerite, after my father passed away. Ste. Therese has special meaning for my family as my father was especially fond of the Saint. My friend bestowed it upon me knowing that it would be give me great comfort and would be greatly cherished as well.

I combined my love of reliquaries and mourning pins to create these pieces.

Mourning Pin: "Pins meant to be worn during a period of mourning. Commemorating the passage of a loved one by immortalizing his or her portrait, or by using pieces of the deceased jewelry in a new piece of jewelry."

I've used copies of vintage prayer cards and holy images, distressed the caps with ink, added snippets from vintage French dictionary pages and added bits of glitter and vintage rhinestones from old jewelry as embellishments. The piece is then preserved with a thin layer of resin. I will add jump rings to some, pin backs to others and magnets to some as well. The possibilities of how to use these are limitless. They just "speak to me." I hope they speak to you as well.

Avec Amour,


  1. Unbelievable - and I throw bottle caps away! These are stunning - in a large group they are fabulous! I cannot even believe that you had the creativity to do this with bottle caps - now I am the one that is blown away!


  2. I'm super impressed with your creativity! Can I have some of it??~:)

  3. Those are absolutely beatiful! Ste Therese was the Saint that I studied for my confirmation classes so she holds a special place in my heart too!


  4. OH!! These are just lovely!! I have ton of these home-brewer bottle caps, your ideas are divine!

  5. Michelle, words cannot express how amazing these are! It would not do them justice! Your creativity knows no bounds!

    I have had a jar of bottle caps sitting in my workshop for the longest time...never knowing what to do with them. Thank you for inspiring me to take them down and consider them again!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. That is wonderful...who knew you could do so many awesome things with mere bottlecaps!!

    Those mourning caps are so sweet. I lost my brother and mother within 4 months of eachother almost 4 yrs ago, and that is such a sweet way to commemorate.

    Hugs from the Netherlands

  7. I came here through Jody from a Home and Heart and are so in love with your art!
    Will be back to check everything out but already became a follower!

  8. I adore the bottle caps! I have started a collection of Victorian mourning jewellery myself, so far I have only three pieces, 2 Whitby jet brooches & 1 french jet, I hope to buy more :) Fingers crossed for tomorrow! x

  9. These are simply incredible. You've done an amazing job on them and I'm especially fond of the story behind them. I too am a fan of St. Therese the little flower. Your blog is amazing! I'm your newest follower!!

    God Bless,

  10. ...Michelle ~ Hurry up and list these ~
    I NEED THEM!!!!!!
    They speak to me too:)
    xo, Rosemary

  11. Oh Michelle,
    You never cease to amaze me with your talents!!
    These are perfect!
    Do you have any of these images for sale in your shop, I've been looking for images like these for my pendants.
    Just beautiful my friend!!
    Have a great day.

  12. You've done it again Michelle!! These are simply beautiful!

  13. I just went through your entire blog! I especially enjoyed May 3rd...I'm a wanted woman! Loved reading about finding the old box and bottles inside! Love your blog!


  14. Michelle, How creative!! I never thought bottle caps could be beautiful...You proved me wrong.

  15. Very beautiful, they circle the faces and draw you in. You did a marvelous job with these.

    I could sit and make religious items all day.

  16. i have made several fabric reliquary's but love this it of the bottle cap!

  17. You are sooo creative! These are lovely.
    ~ Julie


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