Sunday, October 31, 2010

~*~Happy All Hallow's Eve from Boston~*~

 ...The Grave of Mother Goose....

...Paul Revere...



  1. ...oh!!!
    These are just way-to-AWESOME!!!!!!
    It would be very interesting to see how a "rubbing" of one of these headstones would turn out!!
    Happiest All Hallows Eve!!!
    xo, Rosemary

  2. Very cool! I'm a freak, I love cemetaries. We went to Ireland I took chaulk & tissue paper & made rubbings of the old tombstones. Of course New Orleans is my favorite dead town. Marie Leveau among others. Spooky. Lisa

  3. Happy Halloween, dear friend. The pumpkins will be lit and the candy will be given away! I cannot wait to open the door to all the adorable costumes this year.

    Your photos of that cemetary are amazing. You do live with all the best history!

  4. Totally awesome cemetary Michelle! I love strolling through old cemetaries. I love checking the dates and seeing the beautiful old headstones. There's nothing quite as pretty nowadays. I really like some of the old pioneer cemetaries here in the west. We have one on the hill up near our property where the little shack is. It has the most awesome iron fence around it and nearby used to stand their log cabin (gone now). The headstones are pure white. It is said that the family was wiped out all one night when they ate green beans tainted by botulism. The parents, little children and even the hired man. I like to walk up the mountain and visit every so often, just so they aren't totally forgotten.
    Thank you for the trip to this beautiful place of rest.

  5. Awesome Michelle! I remember years ago going there with tracing paper and charcoal and capturing some beautiful images. Wish I still had those!

  6. Hi Michelle, I'm from Milford.... perhaps we frequent some of the same places??


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