Sunday, October 31, 2010

~*~Happy All Hallow's Eve from Boston~*~

 ...The Grave of Mother Goose....

...Paul Revere...


Friday, October 29, 2010

Sewn with Love

Since dusting off my sewing machine several weeks ago, it has been humm, humm, humming and my sweet grandmother's spirit singing along with it. Her picture close by...propped up against an old spool of thread that was once hers (one of the few of her seamstresses' belongings that my mother had saved and bestowed upon me). Every stitch guided by her hands...her heart... her love of creating beauty simply by running fabric and lace through the end of a threaded needle.  I think she's smiling...

And, so, inspired by my "Memere"...
this is what i've been creating...

~*~French Wine Sacks~*~

 ...made with vintage dinner napkins...

 ...crinkled seam binding...

 ...and bits of trims..

 ~*~French Fabric Pouches~*~

...adorned with vintage rosary beads...

 ...old rhinestones...

 ...sweet buttons...

 ...mother of pearl shell flowers...

 ...vintage trim...

 ...and old lace...

~*~French Gift Card Wallets~*~

 ...soft felted pockets...

 ...beloved holy images...

 ...protected under vinyl...

 ...sewn with love...
and a smile.

Avec Amour,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

~*~The view outside my window~*~

Happy Automne Mes Amies!

Avec Amour,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wonderful White Wednesday

 ....sharing some "creepy" whites from around my home....

...tried my hand at making those fabric pumpkins that are "all the rage" these days....

Happy White Wednesday Mes Amies!
I'm linking up with Kathleen at Faded Charm Cottage today!

Avec Amour,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Le Nid (The Nest)

Several months ago I received an email from a woman named "Vicki." She was enquiring about my handmade clay eggs and wanted to order a dozen as "samples" for her "nests."

"Nests?" I ask. "Yes, I make knitted nests and would like to see if these might 'work" with the ones I make." i'm thinking "knit 1, pearl 2"....yada, yada, yada. And, in my mind, I envision these know...just a bowl-like knitted piece that if turned upside down would look like a winter "cap."

No problem....doesn't matter WHAT the nests look like...the woman needs my eggs!
So, i send her a dozen and next thing you know, she's placing an order for 60 more! 

"Gotta a lot of nests to make" she says....."limited edition"...."Shorebird-theme"..."big reveal in late October"...yada.,yada, yada.  
Ok....I think i need to see what this is all about so i head on over to her blog...and...
...are you ready for this?....

THESE are her "knitted nests"....
(I hope you're sitting down mes amies).....

My jaw just about hit my keyboard!
Stunning...breathtaking...beyond words...oui??

So Vicki and I become creative friends and she is just as thrilled with my petite hand made eggs as i am with her gorgeous, gorgeous nests (the woman's crazy i tell ya!)! And so the "egg-rolling" begins and as i roll each one out and wait for it to dry i imagine them in their sweet new homes nestled amongst the soft, swirling skeins of yarn and ribbon and bits and pieces of pure loveliness...and I smile.

October 17th  can't come fast enough now as she is revealing her Limited Edition "Shorebird Nests." Only 20 of these one-of-a-kind nests will make their way to homes all across the world and....lucky me...I am one of them! And, yesterday, my sweet, wonderful, breathtaking nest arrives home.....

...and i am speechless...giddy...absolutely overcome with emotion....for this unbelievable tresor....

...and to see 3 of my sweet speckled eggs nestled inside.....

...amongst the silky ribbons....the beads...the pure loveliness...

...and each time i look at it and turn it around and around i see more tresors nestled within its folds....
a string of beads...iridescent sparkles....

...a fishing net filled with the end-of-the-day catch....seashells, sea horses and salt water pearls....


...and vintage treasures...

...#16 out of 20 belongs to me and I am filled to bursting! It will be something I treasure all my life.

Merci...merci...merci Vicki for emailing me all those months ago and allowing me to be part of this amazing journey you are on. What a wonderful ride!


Now, Mes Amies...if you would like to see more of her wonderful story and how these creations come to fruition...please go on over to her blog:

Scroll down to see where she talks about my eggs (shameless plug here)  and....

where she is also giving away one of her soon-to-be-revealed "Harvest Nests."
Let her know that Petite Michelle Louise sent you!
(Ends November 1st)

Her Shorebird Nests are now for sale in her ETSY shop:

And, at post time, there were only 2 nests left! So hurry, hurry if you covet one!

Oh Happy Day!

Avec Amour,

Friday, October 22, 2010


Sharing some junkin finds from last week-ends Flea Market (i know...i know...a bit late...)

....cabinet cards of adorable children...

...this really neat "Franco Americain" Soup ad....

 ...these beautiful old medals and petite statues....just about 1 inch high...

 ...gorgeous metalwork on these little pendants... iron frame, angel marked "Italy" and a felted heart (sacre coeur)....

 ...a vintage jewelry box that opens to a mirror....($8.00!)...

 ...and yards and yards of this gorgeous vintage lace in pristine condition...

Oh Happy Day!

Avec Amour,