Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wonderful White Wednesday

Glad to see that everyone is back on schedule this week (LOL). Joining Kathleen over at Faded Charm Cottage for another Wonderful White Wednesday!

I decided to take the doors off of one of my kitchen cabinets. I've loved the "look" for a while now and decided to just go ahead and do it already! It really forces one to "edit" what one hoards stores behind those doors but i really loved the outcome.... airy....and now i can admire some of my creamy ironstone plates and pitchers instead of having them hidden...... Baby Ben has made its' way from my sun room to this open kitchen shelf...
..a close-up of a small table in my living room. I've embellished it with a vintage metal curtain tieback....(it was a "rusty" red before i painted it...)

...and the "ripple effect" with a paintbrush. I posted this sofa table in an earlier post...decided to paint it a dreamy, creamy white....
...a few things i found at a re-sale shop yesterday.....

...this mermaid was a steal at only 3.99... living room angel adorned in her summer "finery"...
...and i decided to try my hand at those rolled fabric roses.
WARNING: you really CAN get third degree burns from a glue gun! Ouch! was worth it once i saw how these turned out. I think i have a new "obsession."

Happy White Wednesday Mes Amies!
Now go on over to the Faded Charm Cottage for more white inspiration!

Avec Amour,


  1. Oh Michelle, you know how to make the fabric flowers? I'm in awe! They turned out perfect, I love them.

    Your White Wednesday is beautiful, as always!

  2. Love your post today! White is my ultimate uplift color, and your arrangements are so fun and lovely to pore over--Love your new open cupboard! Does it make things more cheery for you? I'm so glad you join in the party! Jacqueline

  3. Everything looks so pretty. I think the mermaid is too adorable!


  4. Beautiful...beautiful...beautiful!! Love the open cupboards. I have a baby ben just like yours. Love the flowers too...aren't they fun to make??
    Happy WW!

  5. Your home is just beautiful...I'm now a follower, just don't want to miss anymore of your posts. I'll have a wonderful time going back to read some of your earlier ones!

    Love the rolled fabric roses!


  6. What lovely, inspiring whites!! They're so beautiful!!

  7. I love the simplicity of your shelf. Very pretty. Great finds at the re-sale shop. Thanks for playing along. I always enjoy visiting.

    Take care,


  8. Everytime I see glimpses into your home, I am just sure that I could live there and love it! It is beautiful and all your white vignettes are so lovely. What I love about the whites is how it causes us to look at the textures of things more.

  9. I Love your Vintage White Wednesday Photos ~ The cupboard, the clock, Love the Table with the Floral Embellishment ~ Clever.....

    Now for the Glue Gun- Always have an Ice Cold bowl of Water close by & Preparation H is great for Glue Gun Burns (it's the Shark Oil) I use to work at a shop where we only made Silk Floral arrangements ~ all flowers were Hot Glued in with Industrial Hot glue we had melting in a Skillet ... How many times did I get My finger tips or knuckles in the glue ~ Ice water & then the PREP H.....

  10. Oh Michelle,
    Everything looks so beautiful!!! I love the way all of the gorgeous ironstone looks out in the open. You did a great job! Also, I love the fabric roses, they look fabulous!!
    I miss talking with you too. Things are going a bit slow with the move, so I'm trying to check in on my blog as much as I can.
    Now it looks like we won't be moving until August! This is driving me crazy!!
    Have a great weekend my sweet friend.


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.