Monday, May 17, 2010

"I've Come Out of Hiding"

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been “on the lam” and mostly in hiding. It hasn’t been easy trying to shake the law off of my trail but I’ve been O.K. And…because I love “living on the edge”…I decided to come out of hiding this past Saturday to hit up a local Estate Sale. Lots of preparation for this “job” dear junkin friends…new hair color…hat…sunglasses… oh yea…and a new “getaway car” because my old license plate number, make and model are well known in this county since my last “heist.” Several hours later…with the adrenaline flowing…..I was ready for my next one. Off I went….

Whew....this was going to be a challenge but not for this "professional!"
... a junk thief's heaven my dear junkin friends....tatted doilies, pressed flowers...
...millinery...old wooden rulers...
..a Baby Ben ...crystal lamp...vintage photograph in brass frame...

..old sugar bottle..silver plated soup bowl...gummed labels...button card...
...can anyone say "Ooh-la-la?"..lots of French books....

...and, oh my, how many relatives can i rent today???
...and lastly...more old photos in frames...a book filled with ink illustrations of French architecture...

...and some vintage seed packets and boxes....
"How Much" you ask? Well, let's just say that I am no longer considered just a "petty thief" now! Can anyone say : "START THE CAR! START THE CAR!"

Happy junkin season to all...and to all a good night!
Avec Amour,


  1. Good heist, my friend! Looks like you're gonna need to go back into hiding . . . at least 'til you've discovered SOME of the stuff you hope to do with your treasures! Have fun!!!

  2. Oh My ~ What a Haul..... Thanks for Sharing!

  3. You hit the jackpot!! That's some premium stuff!!

  4. Oh my goodness, you certainly did good!!! The little books are gorgeous!
    This made me laugh because my husband and I got married in Vegas, I was so ecstatic that I thought any second someone was going to come out of the chapel and tell me there was a mistake and we weren't really married...I dragged my newlywed husband out of there so fast after the ceremony and told him "Let's just go nowwwwwwwww!!!!!!":)

  5. OOOOOOOOOOOhhhh - those finds are amazing Michelle. I LOVE those old books and the cabinet cards and the seed packets ofcourse and all the rest :D
    xo Tina

  6. Someone get the smelling salts... Miss Rambling Rose has just passed out onto the floor! lol Are you sure you didn't stop the Brink's truck-of-vintage-treasure?!

  7. You did it again, I'm laughing so loud...way to go Heist Girl. This post is great! Look at all that good stuff......pretty enough for White Wednesday. Man, would I love to go junkin' in your neck of the woods.

  8. Alright now that you have got away with the loot, and I do mean loot.....will you share your secret for finding such wonderful things!

    Wow, I can't imagine getting all that good stuff, I am so jealous.


  9. I am speechless! I want to go junking with you!!!!! I don't think they have sales like that around here at all. Love all your finds. I have a baby ben exactly like that one and I love it.
    Happy night!!

  10. Hi Michelle,
    I was just going to e-mail to see if you were okay! But now that I know what you were up to, I see that your very okay! I love everything that you found, wonderful treasures! I have missed hearing from you. I'm glad you were not incarcerated during your treasure spree.
    Have a wonderful week.

  11. Wow! What kind of sales to you have over there? I hardly ever find things this great and especially not in one day. Great job and have fun with all your goodies.


  12. Goodness Gracious you hit the Mother Load of Eclectic Treasures that I love to covet! Congrats on that haul! Just found you while visiting Debra Common Ground! Gotta Follow, follow, follow!

  13. OH my...that has to be one of the best sales ever...just all the best goodies! My heart would have skipped a beat or two!

  14. I herewith apply as the driver for your next "job". You can pay me with some goodies you have captured this time. I can drive fast! LOL!

  15. Ok Michelle...I am driving north to go with you next time!!! Wow, unbelievable finds! Good for you!

  16. Wonderful books, they look to be in excellent condition.

  17. Love everything in every pic.


    barbara jean

  18. Love, love, love! What great loot! You have a wonderful style sense, I enJOY checking in to see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing! enJOY, Kimberly


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