Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Snow

“They come by surprise, December snows,
Quiet, soft and steady.
And before we know it, they’ve turned
The world we’ve always known
Into the world we’ve always dreamed of…
A place of beauty, calm and untold possibility.
Nothing on earth holds more promise,
More pure magic, than a snowday.
Nothing except Christmas itself.”


  1. Michelle, i LOVE this photo and poem! (who wrote it?) thanks for sharing this lovely post!

  2. I'd love for you to join in on the "white wednesday" theme. If you are interested I will add you to the list of participants on my sidebar and then all you have to do is post white wonders on Wednesday. I'm glad you stopped by and I really enjoyed browsing through your blog. Your pictures are amazing.

    Let me know and Happy Holidays1


  3. I love this photo you chose for this blog - I'm so happy I found your blog and look forward to future posts - thank you! xo Julie


Taking the time to share your thoughts...your words...and your inspiration fills my soul....Merci.