Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Sunshine....

It’s been a glorious week-end here in New England.....

...Spring has finally made an appearance and putting a “spring” in my steps.... 

...I hope you’re all feeling the warmth of Spring wherever YOU are. 

Happy Sunday! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Adieu" March....

 It’s time to say “adieu” to March and “bienvenue” to April...but first, I'm sharing a "look back"....

I hope this blessed week brings you great joy in anticipation of a new season!

Monday, March 30, 2015


 Wishing you all a lovely start to your week...

...don't forget to...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday Inspiration....

My week later...

...I think they look just as pretty as the day they were given to me.

I hope you all have a lovely day Mes Amies!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Sharing my beautiful birthday roses with you all....

...I hope they bring you as much sunshine as they’ve brought to me!

Happy Wednesday mes Amies!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring-Themed Buffet....

It may not look like Spring outside my window here in New England, but nothing says I can't force it indoors! 
I’m adding touches of Spring all over Maison PML starting with a Spring-Themed Brunch.....won’t you join me?

I love the look of “layered” plates with many different patterns. I collected mine at Flea Markets, Home Goods and on the clearance rack at Bed Bath & Beyond. I didn’t pay more than $5 for any of these plates... 

...this “Oatmeal Cookie Crock” started out as a candle that I purchased at Anthrolopologie. Once it burned down, I simply cleaned it and now it’s a lovely holder for my mismatched silverware.

I printed a Springtime chalkboard onto card stock 
(print 16 pics/page to get this size) and created tags for my cutlery. 
**You can find this FREE printable HERE... just click on "Free Printables" under the header. Thanks Alice!

 Now all I need is some fresh-baked muffins!
I hope it’s feeling like Spring wherever YOU are Mes Amies!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Splash Of Spring....

 Adding a little bit of “springtime” around Maison PML... 

...what are YOU doing to add a “splash of Spring” around YOUR home?

Happy (almost) Spring Mes Amiss!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Beauty In The Cold....

There is beauty to be found in the long, cold winter....

...this is a statue in my “Grotto”. 
Mother Nature has adorned her just beautifully, don’t you think?

I hope you all find the beauty even in the coldest of places.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Adieu" February....

“Adieu” February...Bonjour March! 

Here are a few February Faves from around Maison PML ....

...It’s almost Spring
I hope your March is a lovely one. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Coffee Bar and Free Printables...

St.Valentine's Day is tomorrow so I wanted to share how I “romanced” our Hot Beverage Bar....

...Hubby and son have either coffee or tea “to go” each morning so this little area in our Pantry is a staple.... 

(If you’re looking for the “Coffee, Coffee, Coffee” burlap printable you see here...check out my friend Lace’s new ETSY shop.) 

...I came across these adorable chalkboard printables on Pinterest which led me to the sweetest gal ever...

She designed these as Valentine’s cards but, if you print them all onto 1 sheet of paper, they are the perfect size for this project....

...I printed mine onto cardstock and then cut and glued them onto the corrugated cardboard cozies that came with my hot “to go” cups 
Click HERE to go directly to Hannah’s post where you can download these sweet printables.

I then used a Sharpie to sign the cups so my Guys are off to work each day with a little bit of love from me!

I plan on  keeping this setup well past Valentine’s Day because expressing ones love should know no season, don't you think?

Wishing you all a happy St. Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love Tokens and My New/Old Etsy Shop.....

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so, naturally, “love tokens” have made their way into the decor here at Maison PML....

I’ve also been very busy cleaning out and re-organizing my studio. I will be listing some “Bits n Bobs” kits in my new/old ETSY shop. It was the first shop I opened on ETSY many years ago that has sat empty for awhile now. Since I’d like to keep my PML shop for my Inspiration Holder listings only, I thought it would be a good idea to re-open my original shop. I’ve re-named it “Petite Michelle Bits”. This kit will be listed soon amongst many others like it. I’d love it if you'd stop in and have a look!

**Now listed in my shop~*~

Wishing you all a lovely week-end!