Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wonderful White Wednesday


(Not quite...)


..oui..oui...just right...

...transforming candle lights....

...into Jeanne D'arc inspired......

....devotional lights....

...some glitter....

...some sparkle...

....some beloved inspirational images....

...some garland...

...religious medals...

and prayers for all.

Happy White Wednesday Mes Amies!

Avec Amour,

(soon for sale in my ETSY shop)

"What's A Girl To Do ?" Part 6

What's a girl to do when she finds several dozen of THESE at a yard sale?

She makes these....

...petite prayer bottles....


...filled with mica flakes...

..."Angel" dust...

...christmas wishes....

...and christmas prayers...

Let the season begin...

Avec Amour,

(Soon for sale in my ETSY shop)

Monday, November 29, 2010

An Important Announcement...

It's time to start "decking the halls!"

Oh Happy Day!

Avec Amour,

P.S. Gratitude Giveaway Winner to be announced on December 1st!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you all a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

Avec Amour,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wonderful White Wednesday

Sharing some week-end junkin' finds....

...a sweet angel bust...

 ...some vintage cards...

...a pretty silver-plated shell dish....

...filled with vintage lovelies....

...more postcards...

...and some beautiful religious tresors...

...an old hat...

...and (not white) but just beautiful.....

...i had to have her....

Happy White Wednesday and 
Happy Thanksgiving mes amies!

Avec Amour,

Friday, November 19, 2010

I've been busy sewing more of my French Scapulars....

"The term scapular (from Latin scapulae, "shoulders") as used today refers to two specific, yet related, Christian Sacramentals, namely themonastic and devotional scapulars, although both forms may simply be referred to as "scapular".[1][2]" 

I am going to hang some on my tree this year and...

...some will be available in my ESTY shop...

Avec Amour,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Gratitude Giveaway

~*~This Giveaway Has Ended...merci~*~

The holidays always remind me that i am so very blessed and have so much to be thankful for: 
The love of my family...my health...and the wonderful kinship i have found here with all of you.  
So to show my gratitude I am hosting a Gratitude Giveaway.......

...which will include ....
one of my French-inspired scapulars...

 ...one of my beloved French Prayer Keeps...

...one of my French Wine Sacks...

...and one of my beloved French Reliquaries...

You need to be a CURRENT follower to enter (number 1- 261). 
This is my way of thanking all of you have been "with me" this past year.
Just leave 1 comment on this post to enter. 
Winner to be announced on December 1st (New Date) 
(what was I thinking making you wait until Christmas Eve?)

Merci and Happy Holidays my dearest friends!

Avec Amour,


An old sweater....

...a new pillow.

An old chair....

...a new look.

"Ho hum" pillows....

...ooh ahhh pillows.

Oh Happy Day!

Avec Amour,